Paul Krugman: “I Don’t Have a Blockchain Wallet”

Paul Krugman, an economist and columnist for The New York Times, has publicly expressed confusion at receiving an email that said a payment had been made to his “blockchain wallet.”

“I don’t have a blockchain wallet. Presumably there’s some kind of fraud going on, but what?” – Krugman said.

Well, the same kind that claims the United Nations has awarded you $20 million because of your immense contribution. Or the one that claims the Nobel committee has nominated you for a huge breakthrough in political economics.

It’s the Nigerian prince, basically, but with blockchain. Them scammers are keeping up Krugman, and though you keep telling them bitcoin is going to zero, they would only be too happy to take your worthless bitcoin.

We mean blockchain. Bitcoin is evil you said, but is blockchain good?

Presumably there it’s all mumbo jumbo tech magic as far as you’re concerned. You know what you were taught: non fakable money bad. And you don’t know what you were not taught: what role does interest on loans play in the economy and on the nature of money?

You see that $23 trillion debt that has now been accumulated on your advice, does it risk banks turning around saying the United States is now bankrupt so we want all your parks, like they said to New York?

And now in this very fine age of nearly 67, what will your legacy be Krugman?

Especially with the Christmas season, is the generation that follows to expect any insight on money, or are they to call you what previous generations called the “famous intellectuals” of their day.

For whether you want to believe it or not, time goes. The invincibilities of today and your convictions, honest or otherwise, will be mere dust to the pages and pages of human experience.

In that, you are no different than Trump. Elders, entrusted with so much, yet unaware your giant statue is but dust.
