Kate Winslet to play Ruja Ignatova in OneCoin movie titled Fake

As if OneCoin scam wasn’t impressive enough, now we have an OneCoin movie in the pipeline to shed more light on the most significant crypto scam ever. And none other than Kate Winslet of Titanic fame is set to play the prime accused Ruja Ignatova. Though unfortunate, the OneCoin scam indeed has every element a movie needs – a smart protagonist, global scam, and deceive at the highest level.

OneCoin movie will bring the various facets of the scam onto the big screen in an effort to educate the audience about the risks associated with crypto scams. Interestingly, the court proceedings on the OneCoin scam are still underway across various jurisdictions in the world.

Fake will be the crypto industry’s entry onto the big screen

As per Deadline, the OneCoin movie will be titled ‘Fake,’ and Kate Winslet will play the lead role. The film takes inspiration from a yet unpublished book written by Douglas Thompson and Jen McAdam. Interestingly, Jen McAdam was herself duped by the OneCoin Ponzi scheme and decided to produce the movie to highlight the plight of the victims.

Scott Z. Burns will be the director and writer of Fake. Earlier, he has written the storyline of Contagion, the now-famous pandemic-based movie that grabbed attention as Coronavirus ravaged through the world.

Ms. McAdam, like an estimated 70,000 UK citizens, was scammed by Ruja Ignatova into investing in OneCoin scam and lost a significant portion of their hard-earned money. It will be interesting to see so many talented artists coming together to showcase the crypto industry’s biggest Ponzi scheme on the big screen.

OneCoin movie has all the ingredients to be a blockbuster

Started in 2014, the OneCoin scam was the dreamchild of Ruja Ignatova. The fraud began in Bulgaria and quickly spread its wings throughout the world, promising investors great returns with minimal investment. The investors were made to believe that OneCoin was the next ‘Bitcoin’ even though it didn’t meet the basic criteria.

Crypto analysts and government agencies warned about the imminent danger saying OneCoin has every ingredient worthy of a ‘multilevel marketing scheme.’ Investors ignored the warning signs as the ‘Us Vs. Them’ psychology blinded them to see the naked truth.

Source: YouTube

Soon enough, thousands of victims like McAdam realized that servers weren’t printing crypto, and there was no blockchain. By then, Ignatova raised over $4 billion from across the world. As the Ponzi scheme unfolded, wire and securities fraud was labelled against Ignatova, and expectedly she went missing. To date, she has not been caught and remains at large.

Konstantin Ignatova, the brother of Ruja Ignatova, and other prominent OneCoin executives have been brought to book and are under trial. With an intriguing storyline, no wonder an OneCoin movie was naturally waiting to happen.