EU-UK Stands Divided Over Crypto Regulations; Here’s How

The global digital asset industry is trading under volatility looking for much-needed clarity over regulations. However, reports suggest that European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) stand divided over the laws related to crypto.

UK crypto regulations are not apt?

As per the report, the financial services and market bill is being ready by the UK parliament. While the new financial Conduct Authority rule is in development for high risk investments. On the other hand, Europe has a deal on markets in crypto assets (Mica) Regulations.

The UK is planning to start by regulating over few specific crypto assets and service providers in the beginning. Meanwhile, EU’s Mica covers crypto assets broadly. It is being compared that the UK is just dipping its toe with lean digital settlement assets. Earlier, the UK introduced a bill to regulate stablecoins used for payment.

Meanwhile, the EU has a broad investment focus which directly implies that new crypto assets need to be published. It will also be liable for providing outlines like white paper.

Will Mica save crypto investors?

The report states that contrasts in UK and EU regulations extend to service providers. As the UK will be focusing on fewer services like exchange and custody. On the other hand, the EU’s Mica carries a more heavy definition which covers trading, transmitting orders and more. This will also cover custody and crypto to crypto exchanges.