Dutch tech companies team up in fight against coronavirus outbreak

As many as ten Dutch tech companies have come together to lead an initiative called the Tech Against Corona to help the Dutch government in its uphill battle against the panic-causing coronavirus outbreak, Public Matters reported on 26th March 2020.

By now, almost every country has realized that if there is one practical application of science that can combat the pandemic and reduce the drastic implications, it is the nascent technologies such as blockchain. On Friday, IBM and Oracle got together to build MiPasa, the WHO blockchain Coronavirus data hub, to streamline and manage humongous portions of data concerning the virus.

Last month, an official from the University of Hong Kong, Syren Johnstone, urged blockchain and artificial intelligence related companies to come together and offer support to those affected by the epidemic.


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Dutch tech companies join the battle against coronavirus

In the same spirit, several Dutch tech companies, civil servants, and certain members of the Parliament held a virtual meetup on Wednesday to discuss how they can all contribute toward the fight against the outbreak and what part each of them could play in assisting the healthcare providers, government officials and workers of other essential services through technical knowledge and expertise.

To offer a background on the kind of support the companies and other officials would be providing, Cybersprint, a cybersecurity firm, is protecting hospitals against the COVID-19 malware attacks and ensure that no healthcare data is lost or compromised amid this crisis.

Compumatica, a computer, and network security company, is making sure that essential and critical services workers, who are ordained to operate from home and not let the crisis hamper their usual working schedule, do not face issues concerning the internet speed and connectivity.

Upcoming technologies come to rescue

Blockchain firm TYMLEZ, which is also one of the ten notable Dutch tech companies, will help in setting up blockchain-based supply chain websites that help in systematic tracking of relief supplies. 

Traxion, an information security firm, will bring in the much-in-demand volunteers to handle online systems, whereas, KPN and Microsoft will bring their knowledge and ideas to the table on how to effectively make use of upcoming technologies and incorporate them into existing systems.

With each company having its own vision on how to fight the spread and contain the consequences of this pandemic, Tech Against Corona sets forth a powerful example of how desperately the world needs new technologies, said Chris van Dam, a member of parliament.

Tags: blockchainblockchain and AIcoronaviruscovid-19netherlandstechnology