Check This Collection of 19 Crypto Vanity Plates

In many countries across the globe, you can have pretty much anything written on your registration plate, as long as it’s legal of course. People use this to personalize their vehicle, or to even make a statement of some sort. One of the ways it’s used in the Cryptoworld is to promote either cryptocurrencies altogether, a specific crypto somebody (not)hodls and supports, or their opinion whether crypto should be hodled at all. All of this may or may not help crypto adoption and it's still very much up for debate, but it can be considered advertising nonetheless.

Let’s conduct a little analysis, if you will. We found many pictures posted online of all sorts of vehicles being spotted on the road with personalized crypto-related registration plates. Among the nineteen images we accessed and shared with you, some trends can be noticed – though we’d need a far bigger sample to draw any valuable conclusions. Nonetheless, it’s interesting to observe that of the nineteen we found, three cars were Toyotas, two Teslas and two Porches, in addition to one representative of many other types of cars, all with a starting price in the wide range of some USD 23,000 and USD 100,000 for a new vehicle.

At least thirteen are on the America’s roads (four of them in Texas, two in California) and three on Australia’s, with the preferred color being black, followed by white. When it comes to the actual ‘message’ these cars have for you, they vary from several variations of 'Bitcoin', 'BTC', 'hodl', with some ‘bull’, ‘Satoshi’, and 'ICO' thrown in the mix, among many other imaginative examples.

No Lambos were spotted.

Watch the latest reports by Block TV.

And now – the plates.


Bull on the road!

Source: u/_HeXagon / Reddit


How do we say it: SEND BTC, what?

Source: u/aeraer85 / Reddit


See? Polite.

Source: u/BitcoinLongFTW / Reddit


Meanwhile, in New York...


Speaking of vanity plates, all hail the king.

Source: u/BitcoinOwner / Reddit


A pro-hodl Tesla spotted multiple times.

Source: u/DJ_i_rok / Reddit


It's pro-hodl colleague.

Source: u /Ch5se / Reddit


They can easily form a group.

Source: u/Nosferatard / Reddit


This one probably wouldn't join.

Source: u/TrueCryptoFan / Reddit


...An advice for all.

Source: u/CoveredInKSauce / Reddit


One can only guess what this person supports.

Source: u/ElonMusk0fficial / Reddit


Yup, we may never know.

Source: u/JMKdta / Reddit


This person is all for BT Cash, for example. Or it's BTC Ash? You never know.

Source: u/Eugenelee3 / Reddit


And this one is all about that sweet, sweet Bonetcoin.

Source: u/thatguyrich5891 / Reddit


There you go.

Source: u/XRPis4shitheads / Reddit



Source: u/optimisationism / Reddit


Just a Bitcoin enjoying some Australian countryside.

Source: u/Goldenturkey8 / Reddit


Follow that car!

Source: u/spoon2eric2 / Reddit


Simplicity at its best.

Source: unknown / Reddit