Breaking: Uber Is Considering Using Bitcoin as a Form of Payment

The Bitcoin frenzy seems to have caught up with most of the mainstream publically traded companies, as now Uber CEO Dara Khoswshahi in a recent interview with CNBC said that they are seriously looking into Bitcoin and cryptocurrency as a form of payment on its platform. Khoswshahi during the interview said that they are looking into accepting crypto just like any other form of payment and not just as a part of a promotion.

Khoswshahi’s comments come on a day when Visa has announced that it would allow direct crypto transactions for its cardholders, while the Twitter CFO only yesterday commented that they are also considering using Bitcoin in their business and add it to their balance sheet.

Bitcoin On the Verge of Mainstream Adoption

Bitcoin this bull season has managed to reinforce its position as a true store of value courtesy to Institutional adoption, however, the naysayers still claimed Bitcoin has no real-world use case. That criticism seems to be fading soon as the likes of Tesla has started accepting bitcoin as a form of payment for its products and now even Uber seems to be seriously looking into offering Bitcoin payment option.

Bitcoin is currently on the verge of mainstream adoption as not just financial institutions and publically traded companies are actively adding bitcoin to their company’s balance sheet, the growing demand for the top cryptocurrency has brought the likes of BNY, America’s oldest custody bank to offer Bitcoin custody service.

This bull season has made the world realize the true potential and value that Bitcoin brings to the table and as its price nears $50,000. The top cryptocurrency’s growing popularity, rising demand, and wide adoption is a piece of clear evidence that it is no more limited to a certain section of the internet.