Blockchain voting: AP to publish US election results on blockchain

The Blockchain technology would be playing a pivotal role in the coming Presidential election in the United States of America. The technology would be employed as a means of giving timely updates on how the electioneering process is going on across the country.

The Associated Press (AP) made it known that it had reached an accord to provide the results of the election in real time with an immutable blockchain, Everipedia.

According to the report, the encyclopaedia will be displaying the election result immediately it becomes available and it will be using its EOS infrastructure while also ably assisted by the Chainlink project.

AP made it known that this partnership will be ensuring a higher level of transparency and enable greater trust in the election process. 

You will recall that AP has been in the business of counting and reporting votes since 1984. And this new initiative would give it a new opportunity to be a trailblazer in the industry.

United States Postal Service (USPS) thinks of a blockchain-based voting system

Earlier this year, the United States Postal Service (USPS) had earlier filed for a patent of blockchain-based voting system after it appeared that President Trump administration was considering cutting the funding of the agency.

The President had accused the agency’s mail-in process as being fraudulent and believing that by cutting the funding of the agency, he stood a better chance of winning the election as the lack of funding would make it difficult for the agency to handle universal mail-in voting.

While many thought this was just a ruse by the President to improve his re-election chances, the agency was not willing to take any chances. It was during this period that the agency filed for a patent for the incorporation of a voting system based on blockchain. According to the report then, it was believed that a blockchain based voting system would enable the mail-in services  than physical voting.