BitKE Hosts the First Blockchain and Crypto Crash Course for African Journalists

A while ago, we published a post demystifying an article written by one of the leading media houses in Kenya stating that more than 4 million Kenyans owned Crypto.

The article countered that claim with facts and set the record straight. 

The mis-reported article brought to attention the fact that most news reporters lack the knowledge on how to report on crypto and blockchain.

As much as the technology has been around for a while, getting credible information to report on is a task and most journalists don’t know where to find credible the resources of information or how to go about analyzing existing data and information. 

SEE ALSOWhy Kenya Does Not Have 4.5 Million Crypto Users as Widely Reported

We understand that crypto and blockchain knowledge has not been well spread out in Kenya and the rest of Africa, and that is why we decided to find a solution.

BitKE has partnered with CELO, the mobile-first blockchain for emerging markets, to bring free education on how to report on Crypto and Blockchain to Kenyan journalists.

Apply here to attend

Some of the trainers for the session will include:

  • Michael del Castillo – Senior Editor, Forbes
  • Daniel Kimotho – Ecosystem Lead Kenya, Celo
  • Roselyne Wanjiru – Lead on Chain Analyst, Utafiti
  • Alex Matu – Educator / Advisor, BitKE

The crash course will both be virtual and physical, inviting all interested business journalists and editors from across the African continent.

This is a beginning to many other trainings BitKE intends to undertake for journalist anchored one of its goals to educate Africa about crypto and blockchain.


To apply for a chance to learn, kindly fill the form provided on this link:

RECOMMENDED READING[WATCH] The State of Blockchain Adoption in East Africa – A Chat with Umar (Uganda) and Daniel (Kenya)

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