Bitcoin Unmoved as Boris Gives Brexit Day to Nationalists

A sea of red and blue flags greeted a small gathering at Parliament Square where it got more and more nationalist as you went closer to a screened podium.

Britain has left the European Union, the first country to do so since it was established after the atrocities of the second world war when London was bombed to the ground, as was Berlin and many other cities.

A memory to the many decades of that union was no where to be found. The only EU flag that could be spotted barely made it past Trafalgar Square as a group outside a pub started shouting and moved in the direction of the carrier.

The image of two police officers standing around the EU flag to protect this expression of speech is perhaps one of the better highlights of a day claimed by nationalists.

This EU flag of course never made it to parliament square as this wasn’t quite a crowd of… well it wasn’t somewhere you could comfortably speak a foreign language is perhaps a good way of describing this gathering of a pastiche where some of the poorest stood shoulder to shoulder with land owners.

That mixture thus made it an overall peaceful gathering without any hostilities in an overall diverse crowd on a day when nationalists were perhaps on their best behavior in their coming out party.

Yet the tone was one that leaves you wonder just what direction Britain is taking now that it stands outside the second biggest economy in the world.

Boris, The Puzzle

As the countdown gave way to the end of the “show,” with some speed everyone departed up past Number 10 to Trafalgar Square.

Where is Boris, the crowd shouted as they went past his residence. He had just given the stage to Farage, and that must have angered many moderate leavers or independents who gave Boris a landslide.

He apparently did not want to show triumphalism, but much triumphalism was on display and he did little to moderate it on the day.

An historic day, that many blame on him, not Farage. A day when the country expected to be told where now Britain goes, with Boris doing so, not Farage.

But Boris was no where to be seen, and now closing into four years on, we still have no idea just what on earth is Brexit.

Negotiations are now to begin for the next 11 months with Britain to truly leave on the 31st of December 2020. Quite a way to close a year that already has had decades in its few days.

What the outcome of those negotiations will be remains to be seen, but the difficult haggling may have already began by Boris giving the stage to these nationalists, instead of claiming it himself.

That might perhaps be to contrast himself against them, raising the question of whether his silence was more to say: I had to do it because look at them.

The whole world did and now it looks at Boris as the peaceful order stands at brink with nationalism on the rise, including European nationalism as the middle class joins forces across the continent to stand for the Union.

Whether this march of authoritarianism can be halted is now the question of the century as war, like viruses, has a way of spreading with the flag bearer of liberalism, Britain, now owning a duty not to just its own people, but to the entire globe as this fracturing keeps increasing.

That’s what Boris promised and yet more than a month on in his premiership and there is nothing.
