Anarchy is not the absence of rules, but of regulators (part 1)

Most people identify anarchists with Molotov cocktails and chaos in the streets.

Image by Abdul goni from Pixabay 


The truth is that we anarchists tend to be very peaceful beings, although not submissive.

Capitalism needs large concentrations of sheep crammed into large cities to achieve the desired shareholder profitability, which results in 1% of the world's population has the same amount of money as the rest. COMMUNISM is the same, only 1%, in this case, is a group of state bureaucratic dictators.

Both are cases of extreme centralization. Capitalist “democratic” societies live thanks to the homogenization of products, communication, and procedures. Communist "socialist" societies live on exactly the same thing.

In both cases, the population is deceived through crude propaganda, making them believe in one case that Shopping Centers allow "choosing" among many brands. On the other, the State takes care of the population so that nothing is lacking. The most incredible thing about this children's story is that people believe that what they are told is true, and they believe they are “free” by buying a bottle of soda in a plastic container that has double poisonous power: the content poisons those who drink it, and the container poisons a large number of species for many years.

Image by Tayeb MEZAHDIA from Pixabay 

Both systems need a monetary authority (Central Bank, whose necessity Karl Marx raised in his Communist Manifesto) to feel sure that they can manage the population. Without a Central Bank, the left and the right are useless, because if people can think for themselves about what it means to transfer value and ultimately money, they will never use debt papers backed by criminals like those who sit on the boards of international financial organizations.

That is why I am an anarchist. And that is why I strongly embrace the seed that Satoshi Nakamoto started in 2008, with the clear objective of decentralizing the monolithic “legal” structures that have made us work for them for centuries. Bitcoin started with a proposal to decentralize the transfer of value. Then Buterin raised an infinite horizon with Ethereum, and then, we saw the light at the bottom of the tunnel: it is possible to eliminate intermediaries, to end banks, central banks, and international organizations, with a silent battle, without haste, but without pause, until the new generations understand which are the chains that their parents and grandparents had to endure, and that they, thanks to a lot of rules codified in smart contracts that run in a distributed system of interconnected devices, can enjoy without regulators of any kind.

It is no coincidence that the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, and JP Morgan reject the project to make Bitcoin legal tender in El Salvador. It is no coincidence that the Bank of England says “Bitcoin is not money”. It is no coincidence that Amundi says that “Bitcoin is a farce”. It is no coincidence that Goldman Sachs says that Bitcoin is an "Investable Asset Class". Incredibly, having passed the 100 million user mark, and having resisted all the attacks for more than 10 years, we still have to explain to some feudal lords what Bitcoin is.

You guys are out!

It's not by chance. While we were a bunch of nerds and cypherpunks having fun with each other, we weren't a bother. But the figures are showing that this is not a game and that the monolithic structures that seem immovable, are not so. People realized that they can transfer value without relying on any regulatory elite group. And this already becomes an enemy of bearing. Therefore, they begin to defend themselves, although it is too late and they cannot do anything. They are in a situation called "ZugsWang" in chess. This is an instance of a game in which the player who is forced to make his/her move cannot make a valid move with any of his/her pieces that does not make his/her situation worse. I covered this topic in a recent post.

But let's go back to the issue of overcrowding in big cities. Cities are thought of by capitalism and communism as a great honeycomb of consumption units, perfectly structured to, in turn, structure the factories necessary to arm the pernicious cycle of consumption, namely:

  • the home and its needs: a refrigerator, a washing machine, a TV, a set of armchairs
  • "university" careers, which constitute a phallus of status and a requirement to occupy a place in the machine
  • a financial system that consists of the "creation of money" by a gangster organization called a "bank" that charges monthly fees through its tools (loans, credit cards, and the like) that are then lent to other gangsters in a game in which only 1% of the world's population win, by tricking the herd that lives their miserable lives collapsing to pay the 18 installments without interest. This hallucination, which is absolutely ignored by the herd, is possible thanks to the hallucination of the "big city with everything at your disposal." The "creation of money" implemented by the banks, is then endorsed by bunches of criminals superior in level, which are called Central Banks and International Organizations. And those who put their asses are always the same, that is, 99% of the world population
  • supermarkets, a paradigm of standardization for consumption, in which everyone “freely chooses” between 18 brands that manufacture 2 or 3 mega-corporations that often share shareholders
  • cinemas, theaters, cultural spaces that only respond to the business raised by the corporation that designs the show, or to the ideological trend allowed by the central censorship committees
  • mass sports that are the new circus with which the herd is entertained, and that has to do more with finances than with sport

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 

Many call this "development" or "civilization", especially the middle classes, who were sold (and bought gladly) the idea of ??the "American dream", which states that anyone in the world can earn millions with their entrepreneurship and in this way "live an exceptional life" with mansions, cars, private planes, and yachts. In practice, this never happens, but the present savage capitalist system could never have been built if there had not been a middle class enslaved and willing to slavery.

Far away are the true artists, athletes, artisans, leisure innovators, workers with love for what is done.

And I think it's all due to the size of the communities.

Take the hamburger business for example. The homogenization proposed by the largest junk food corporation in the world has no difference with the homogenization proposed by a communist state to ration food and make the entire population eat the same and in the same amount per serving. In the latter case, the difference is that the profit from the economy of scale is shared among the Party bureaucrats and not among the shareholders of a private corporation.

Capitalism is always in charge of selecting businesses by their "scale", if it does not have scale, it is not faced, so it needs large agglomerations of sheep crowded together in large cities. Communism also needs urban agglomerations that are much easier to control and monitor with its network of regulators.

And then, the Internet.

The Internet, decentralization, and its most extreme form, distribution, are a hit to this format.

Decentralization and distribution have, as no other tool ever had, great possibilities of turning forever the centralized government systems that we have suffered for centuries. Slavery democracy is about 2,500 years old, and still, incredibly, there are charlatans who continue to consider it as the form of government that allows us to "be free."

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay 

Curiously, the middle classes are the ones who most support the machine, because they bought the mythical hallucination of the American dream and they believe that they are going to develop a business that will make them millionaires and that they will be able to have a house with a pool, Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and yachts. In reality, they spend their lives paying the credit card, mortgages, and the expenses of a house that is well above their income, but that they need to maintain for status, their children's college, and university, where they are submitted to study programs that are true indoctrination codes to preserve the system, and, finally, their two trips per year that they have to make to Budapest or Saint Petersburg, to "grow" and learn about the history of humanity ...

Image by Debi Brady from Pixabay 

These middle classes defend their bosses to the letter, do not allow anyone to bother them, and touch the fortune they amassed "lawfully" stealing monetary aggregates created by commercial banks, of which they are partners and shareholders.

These middle classes are the backbone of capitalism, they buy everything that is ordered by the mass media, and they do not allow any communists to come and tell them that they are slaves, believing without hesitation that they are free. In communism something similar happens, what the State says is not discussed and is done for the welfare of the population. The communist population feels very "free" not falling into the trap of capitalism.

Both systems use toilet papers issued by central banks to transfer value between economic agents.

So, anarchy.

In general terms, there are two main currents within modern anarchy, anarcho-capitalism that promulgates multiple private properties and “free” competition that generates inequality in the distribution of wealth, and anarcho-communism in which there is neither private property, nor market, and society is built in a collaborative and solidary way. For this last scheme to work, society should not exceed a certain number of people, so as not to gradually become a big city.

In my experience, anarcho-capitalism is a verbal construction for discourse in an amphitheater. The only thing that anarcho-capitalists like about anarchy is not paying taxes. Otherwise, they are more predatory and savage than a capitalist who does not have the prefix of "anarcho."

For their part, anarcho-communists have a great tendency to interpret social phenomena by comparing them with natural phenomena. Kropotkin is the great Russian scientist who is the father of this doctrine. Actually, according to my criteria, many things that happen to human beings cannot be interpreted by comparing them with the watercourse of a river or the transformation of a chrysalis into a butterfly.

In other words, we must continue to search for a model of anarchist society still, and I believe that in 2008 a process was launched that will be considered for centuries as the trigger for the process of ending the right and left corporate centralization.

Anarchy does not make evil disappear. No anarchist is stupid or naive.  An anarchist society is full of individual responsibility. The “good” is one of the sides of the coin. The other is “evil”. One does not exist without the other. The struggle between the two forces justifies the existence of each one. All systems, whether created by man or nature, balance good and evil. When there is a very strong imbalance created by some system, the universe, the continent of systems, seeks a return to stability, without notifying anyone, without asking anyone's permission. Anarchy is nothing other than a system of social coordination. It is not, nor does it pretend to be, a system that eliminates evil, because by pretending to be, it would be acting against the universe and setting itself up as a god in which it does not believe.

The discourse and practices of the young anarchists that proliferate today are incredibly similar to each other. What predominates is the will to create relational spaces free from impositions. It is about living FROM TODAY in anarchy, and not waiting for a remote revolution that will not happen in centuries. It is about not establishing a relationship, not even a conflictive one, with the enemy.

You must make an effort every day, no matter how small, to get out of the system, to feel that you do not depend on this overwhelming system to enjoy your only life.

The revolutionary subject does not preexist the revolution but is constituted within the revolutionary process itself. The revolution creates it in the course of its own process. We are transforming ourselves day by day into a new type of subject, the "decentralized subject". The revolution is on and we are the revolution.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 


(to be continued)



As usual, none of the things written in this post are financial advice and are not intended to replace personal research.



Thank you for reading!


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