Youtube - a novice dives in on impressions - part 2

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In the first post of this series we discussed basically our overall assessment of YouTube and the WHY on YT.  Our conclusion is that video is inevitable and it appears that YT is the best mechanism or platform to use to participate in this explosion.  Maybe that's the "right answer" or maybe it isn't.  Time will tell. 

Here is Part 1 of this series:

YouTube - A Novice Dives In To Learn - Part 1 

In this post we want to dive a little deeper into YouTube and in particular into the ANALYTICS provided by YT at no cash cost to the user.  As we mentioned in Part 1, the YT analytics are excellent.  There is a lot of data and information

Let's look at the analytics in this post through the lens of impressions.  After all, what is the purpose of YT and why would you or on behalf of your business you pursue a YT channel?  Whether for personal or business use - there is a desire for impressions if we are being honest.  Furthermore - within the digital world, how often do we hear about the importance of "getting on page one with Google" or "SEO" or "ranking on the search engines"

toss out a hypothesis that perhaps it is easier to get impressions on YouTube than it is to get impressions on Google the webpage search engine.  Google is the #1 search engine.  YouTube is the #2 search engine.  Where is it easier to rank is perhaps the question. 

The below depicts the results of a YT search for "orange line mbta":

That result on the bottom of the image is our channel - YouTube.  It was the 6th or 7th option down in the results.  As you can see there are some views, and those are clicks through and someone watching for a minimum amount of time.  Impressions are separate.  Note how the name of the channel is displayed fairly prominently.  This is a branding opportunity.  The logo is also there.  These are opportunities

YouTube defines impressions within the Studio as follows:

How many times your thumbnails were shown to viewers on YouTube through registered impressions.

maybe a useful question is how often and how many people can we get to see the name and the logo at a minimum as measured by impressions, and how much does it cost to achieve this?  For the record, we have not spent one dime on the channel outside of the GoPro camera, purchasing the domain (separate and distinct from YT meaning ours entirely at ) and locking it up long term, and getting some help on Fiverr with the logo.  No money has been spent to "get traffic" or "get views" to this point.

The below depicts a snapshot of the "Content" section within the YouTube Studio with the Impressions highlighted for the last 28 days for our channel about life in Boston

We still don't know definitively what to make of this.  Is it good?  Bad?  Too low?  Too high?  After digesting YT for a little bit we have come around to realizing that perhaps this is true:

YT gives you a low cost and low barrier to entry opportunity to get a significant number of eyeballs on a name and logo. 

119K impressions in a month of a company name and logo and look at what the content is about in a general sense - not too bad for learning and putting up some innocent videos about hanging out and living in Boston without any formal editing or cost.  That could be 119K looks at a dentist, mortgage company, local plumber business, a parent's dog walking side hustle, nuclear physics research, your law practice, or anything conceivably.

- we'll look at this as not some type of miracle or savior but rather a very plausible vehicle and mechanism for business and personal life within the overall context of social media and communications.  YT can help one get a message out.  Beyond that, we have a lot to learn.  

Analytics-  where is traffic coming from, how, what tools to help, etc.

Game Theory- YT versus X, Facebook, Insta, LI, all the rest

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