You Pay Attention To These Tokens: Velo, Flux, Vera, Unih

We know that in the crypto world, scams are the order of the day. In addition to Rug Pulls (when liquidity is emptied by a dex) there are also tokens that suddenly scam (Pump & Dump). However, the purpose of the article is not to talk about these two ways of scam but rather about scam airdrop (which arrive directly in our wallet).

Which tokens am I referring to? One of the best known is Minereum (MNE and MNEB on the BSC) which, however, is harmless (the token cannot be sold. Here you can find two articles about Minereum: Minereum Also On The BSC: Is It Possible To Trade Them? Is it Legit? e Cheating The Scammers? Minereum And The Honeypot!). Then there is Axie Infinity (AXS) on the BSC which obviously has nothing to do with the well-known Gaming platform NFT (on Ethereum). This is another type of scam where a famous token is cloned. Another similar token that clones a famous one is AliceDrop (ALICE). It mimics My Neighbot Alice (NFT). There is also the Alpaca Finance clone ( All of these tokens are sent RANDOM in users' wallets.

You can see the difference between the two sites Alpaca:

If you check with your address on BSCscan, you will surely find some of these tokens in your wallet:

However, there are also very dangerous tokens such as: Flux, Velo and Vera. These are tokens that are airdropped (randomly) in users' wallets and have very high values ??(even over $ 1,000,000). GoFlux (950,000 Flux) redirects visitors to, which was registered about 10 days ago. The team members in the "about us" section do not exist and the link to their social networks is non-existent. How does the scam work? Flux tokens are locked on PancakeSwap and the only way to sell them is to swap their dex. When the smart contract is executed, our wallet is emptied. Tokens are linked to these addresses:



Velo works the same way (150,000 Velo). Also in this case liquidity is loaded on a dex (to give a value to it) and this token can only be bought but not sold.

Only way to sell it is to go to their site and swap it. When we provide access to Metamask, our wallet is emptied. Velo was targeted about 1 year ago (there were scam tokens like Trc10 and Trc20). 

Another similar attack is that of The Vera (which links to website). I remember that if you try to trade these tokens on PancakeSwap nothing should happen. The problem is when connecting METAMASK (or Trust Wallet) to phishing sites.

Here you can revoke the permissions of your tokens on dApps: TokenApprovalChecker (BSC) e TokenApprovalChecker (Etherscan)

An even more sophisticated major attack made it possible to steal $ 76,000 on Thorchain (Rune). A hacker distributed an airdrop (Unih) to various cryptocurrency users. All recipients who sold these tokens allowed the author to steal any Thorchain (RUNE) token he owned. These tokens come with a malicious contract. And if the person actually sells the newly received Unih tokens (or even just approves the sale), the author can steal all the Rune tokens in the wallet.

This can happen because Rune tokens use a non-standard token contract, called "tx.origin". This specific contract is not used in the Erc20 token standard, which is used by most Ethereum-based tokens, due to its risks.

What happens is that the Unih tokens carry malicious code that will automatically transfer the user's Rune tokens to another wallet (presumably owned by the author).

The only thing is that the user "calls" the contract (if the user goes to a decentralized exchange to sell Unih tokens, he does exactly that, automatically moving his Rune tokens).

Thorchain underwent several exploits in July. The cross-chain trading network lost over $ 13 million due to a variety of bugs. This is one of the reasons why Thorchain is called "Chaosnet". In the photo below another exploit, this time of a White Hat:


Are you interested in ways to earn crypto bonus? Check it out here: Some Sites To Earn Crypto Bonus (Old & New)