You Lose Money with Alex Becker (and Elliotrades, and Bitboy)

I want you to watch this video. It has everything you need to know about the crypto space.

I know you didn't watch the damn video. Tl;dr — the guy does an experiment: What if I invest $1000 into everything Alex Becker recommends on his NFT gaming channel?

Answer: You get 318% returns. Great, except for he also finds that if you just invest in random coins, you get a 400% return.

That's right — Alex Becker's "alpha" is based around the entire space going up. He has no special skill or information, which is incredible considering he advises all of the damn projects he shills on his channel. How the fuck are you the literal definition of an inside trader and you do WORSE than a monkey throwing darts at a wall?

Truth is, this is a maxim that is well known throughout investing. In all markets, it's well known that so-called "alpha" day traders do worse than random picks. The only one winning here is Becker, because he's also getting influencer money from you watching all of his damn videos. 

Also, at the end of the video, the video producer tries everything he can to walk back his own findings. He does this because he likes Becker personally and wants to suck Becker's dick. But the findings are the findings. 300% is less than 400%. That's it. Everything else is noise.

This speaks to something I've been saying for my entire blog: PICK YOUR OWN WINNERS. We are all early enough in the crypto space that everyone can win. You can be a complete idiot and win. Why? The entire space is expanding, because this is one of six industries creating the most new value in the world. Money HAS to flow here from VCs, sovereign funds, pension funds, countries, etc. because all of the value in stuff like commodities, corporate bonds, etc. has been squeezed out. Inefficiency is what creates profit, not efficiency. Crypto has tons of problems right now. If you help fix those problems, one of which is liquidity/arbitrage taping, THAT'S WTF YOU GET PAID FOR. Not picking the hidden gem. Becker's "hidden gems" got him less money than a random monkey technique!

And to Becker's credit, I've heard him say the same thing in his videos. He tells you to find your own shit, and that finding your own shit is what will make you rich. He's still a spoon fed trust fund mama's boy, though. But give credit.

Bigger lesson: Everybody's a genius in a bull market. And don't get it twisted — we are still in a bull market. It's just most of you morons can't recognize the bull because the fucking BTC chart isn't going parabolic up and to the right. When that happen, the bull market will actually be . That's the moron market, because it's the morons causing the parabola. The bulls are actually exiting during that time. XD

You want real alpha? Real alpha is here --->

Why is my little Telegram alpha? Not because everyone is a better trader than anyone else. I just told you that doesn't happen. Here's why: The folks I've attracted so far actually know what they are talking about in the crypto space. There are discussions about real techtokenonomics that will allow you to do what I said above, i.e., PICK YOUR OWN WINNERS. You get solid info so you can get your own alpha. THAT'S how you win.

The Telegram group did exactly what I wanted it to do when I started it, actually. I wanted to get people in there who knew stuff that I didn't know. Crypto is too big to study the entire thing. There are whole sections of the space I don't even have time to get to. But every time I go in my group, I find out new, credible info and solid opinions about individual protocols and the macro environment. I leave with the context to make my own decisions.

Warning: Don't go in my fuckin group asking "wen moon" and shit. If your first text is "hello" and your second text is "what do you think about X project's price?" then just fuckin leave. Go away. I won't kick you, but you'll be ignored. Maybe someone else with more patience will have mercy. I dunno. Ask about price once we all know you. Deliver value and gain a rep as someone who helps the group. Then get to the price talk.

Here's how to do crypto the right way.

Bring your information into the group and SHARE. Discuss that information with people and then LISTEN. Then help the group RESEARCH and come back with MORE INFORMATION to SHARE. Rinse, repeat. Crypto is about taking responsibility for your own finances and actually caring about the people around you, not extracting everything you fuckin can and leaving everyone else high and dry like Becker. Toodles.