Yet another way AI can be dangerous

Today Instagram decided this model's sponsored account should appear on my feed. Her name is Aileen Anderson. She's hot, right?

But, notice anything odd about here? Is there anything about her that rings bells? It should. Because she's not real. This is a not real person.

And I'm willing to bet a significant amount of money that behind this 'model' there's a potential scammer.

I don't know this for sure, but here's why I believe this might be the case.

Exhibit A, this is not a real person. This is an AI generated model. It's pretty clear, right? The photos look plasticy. Especially some of them.

In some of the pictures, she looks like she was superimposed on the background. Like taking a picture against a green screen only to add a background later.

There's nothing wrong with AI models and influencers (they shouldn't exist, but that's my opinion), believe it or not they're a thing, but you have to disclose it. Whereas the person behind this account wants you to believe 'she' is real. Why?

Exhibit B, there's no results on Google for 'Aileen Anderson model' and that's impossible.

I know this because some of the pictures from the Instagram account are taken at various catwalks around the world. There's no way in Hell a model gets famous enough to run the catwalk on several occasions, in several places, for different brands, and Google can't find results about her.

Exhibit C, this is a new account, it was created two weeks ago and every post was uploaded between mid December and now. That's always a red flag.
Exhibit D, this account was suggested to me as a SPONSORED account, which means this person is trying to reach more people.

I might be wrong, but I'm still convinced this is somebody pretending to be a fake AI generated model.

It's misleading. The model may not be real but the comments are. And what's stopping this person from asking brands and people to send money? Or to do sponsored content?

Some companies do use AI influencers to promote their content, but again, you can't do that without disclosing it first.

AI is not perfect, otherwise I wouldn't have spotted it, but it's becoming dangerously good.

And this concerns me. And this, by the way, is just one of a million different examples showcasing what AI can do.

I think Elon Musk is right. AI is, in theory at least, a potential threat to humanity.

I hope he's wrong.