Xpool – A To Z Understanding a DeFi Revolution

Core to any modern financial ecosystem are mediums through which individuals can borrow and lend their assets. Borrowing allows one to leverage their capital to accomplish tasks, while lending allows one to earn a regular and safe return on their otherwise-idle capital.

Cryptocurrency developers have acknowledged the need for such services, launching the so-called money markets. Xpool is one of the most reliable and successful of these marketplaces.

I. The Beginner’s Guide

One of a number of emerging DeFi cryptocurrencies, Xpool is a decentralized lending system that allows users to lend, borrow and earn interest on crypto assets, all without middlemen. More specifically, Xpool is a DeFi lending protocol that enables their customers to lend and borrow a diverse range of cryptocurrencies using both stable and variable interest rates.

Xpool leverages a native token  – XPO – that provides holders with governance.

Xpool has seen significant growth since the early 2021, most of which can be attributed to its diverse collateral support and its forthcoming expected Xpool upgrade in the near future. The Xpool will mainly assist new users in joining the Xpool Ecosystem and the decentralized protocol over time.

It will be hard to understand what the XPO token is without understanding the underlying Xpool protocol, so let’s dive in.

II, How Xpool works

Xpool is an algorithmic money market, meaning loans are obtained from a pool instead of being individually matched to a lender.

The interest rate charged is dependent on the “utilization rate” of the assets in a pool. If nearly all assets in a pool are used, the interest rate is high to entice liquidity providers to deposit more capital. If nearly no assets in a pool are used, the interest rate charged is low to entice borrowing.

At its core, the Xpool software enables the creation of lending pools that enable users to lend or borrow up to different cryptocurrencies.

Like other decentralized lending systems on a similar protocol as Ethereum, borrowers must post collateral before they can borrow. A special feature of Xpool is built on the BINANCE Smart Chain platform, which can reduce costs to the lowest level for users. Further, they can only borrow up to the value of the collateral they post.

Users deposit funds they wish to lend, which are then collected into a pool. Borrowers may then draw from those pools when they take out a loan.

To facilitate this activity, Xpool issues two types of tokens: xTokens, issued to lenders so they can collect interest on deposits, and XPOOL tokens, which are the native token of Xpool.

The XPOOL cryptocurrency offers holders several advantages. For instance, XPOOL borrowers don’t get charged a fee if they take out loans denominated in the token. Also, borrowers who use XPOOL as collateral get a discount on fees. Borrowers who post XPOOL as collateral can also borrow slightly more.

III. XPO Token

XPO is a BEP-20 token of Xpool with a total supply of 210,000,000 units distributed to the community through Airdrop, IDO program and Farming. XPO holder will take some advantages below:

  1. Earning interest on deposit: By depositing XPO to Xpool protocol, users will earn an attractive annual interest as the passive income.
  2. Use as collateral: Borrowers can use XPO as collateral to borrow assets and have a chance to get a discount on fees or borrow more than usual.
  3. Fee collection & discount for Xpool services: Xpool borrowers do not get charged a fee if they take out loans denominated in the token.
  4. Voting and governance: Users who hold XPO tokens can vote for potential product upgrades, releases, and parameter fixes.

IV. Details of $XPO Initial Dex Offering Sale

At 11:30  GMT +8 on April 4th, Xpool’s first IDO program will be held in LaunchZone PadX. PadX is the on-chain launchpad  for crypto startups to raise their fund through the process called IDO (Initial Dex Offering).

Total supply:  210,000,000 XPO

Airdrop/Listing: 1% – 2,100,000 XPO

IDO 1: 2% – 4,200,000 XPO

IDO 2: 1% – 2,100,000 XPO

Liquidity: 0.75% – 1,575,000 XPO

Farming: 95.25% – 200,025,000 XPO

Token sale4,200,000 XPO2,100,000 XPO


Token price0,0238 USD (in BSCX only)


0.0476 USD (in BSCX only)
 ConditionsWin Lucky star ticketsWhitelisted
Time11h00PM GMT + 8, April 4th, 2021 00h00AM (HKT / GMT+8) April 5th, 2021 (30 minutes after the first round ends)

Steps To Participate in XPO Token Sale:


Step 1. Lock BSCX

All users who lock at least 100 BSCX will have a chance to join the IDO program.

1 wallet address can lock up to 1,000 BSCX

Step 2: Get ticket

For each 100 BSCX token is locked, the user will get 1 lottery ticket that is called Lucky Star. The lottery will take place, and the winning Lucky Stars will automatically participate in the IDO in exchange for XPO (this process is done automatically once you applied for a Lucky Star and won any ticket).

Step 3: Claim Participation Slots

After learning which Lucky Star tickets are winning Participation Slot (12h before whitelist), the owners of winning Lucky Star tickets can claim their Participation Slots and use the slots to buy IDO with BSCX token. It is required that buyers claim their reward and make a purchase before the Claim period ends or the Progress bar reaches 100%.

How to get Lucky Star Ticket to buy XPO? Follow our introduction via this link https://bscex.org/docs/how-to-get-lucky-star-tickets-and-buy-ido-on-padx/


Step 1. Register for the BSCX Heroes Program

 Register for the BSCX Heroes Program with the Sower Bot

  1. Go to @thesowerbot on Telegram and select Start
  2. Type the command /add_whitelist and enter.
  3. Follow the instructions

Telegram account can be linked to one Twitter account only.

Step 2. Get whitelisted

Only those who are on the LaunchZone whitelisted can participate in the second round of Xpool IDO. Each whitelisted address can buy a maximum of $100 worth of XPO paid in BSCX token. If the number of whitelisted addresses is bigger than the total available slots, our software will follow the first-come, first-served (FCFS) rule.

This is how to win the LaunchZone whitelisted position for the second round by participating in our BSCX Heroes Program: https://launchzone.org/docs/2070-2/

Get your chance to be a part of XPOOL!

Join us now at:

Website: https://xpool.app/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Xpoolofficial

Telegram channel: https://t.me/xpoolofficial

Telegram group: https://t.me/xpoolofficialgroup