Writing stuff on internet again

Hey, I'm here again! Yes, the crazy dude who writes stuff on the internet!

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The other day I was reading a conversation in a certain forum in which a user complained about how manipulated the stock market is.

I don't remember the exact words, but it said something like this: "Everything is ready for the big drop, this rise is totally manipulated" (I'm sure it's not the same words but the same message is received)

Days later, specifically yesterday Friday, his message was something like this:

"We are all in the same game here and sooner or later we will end up taking someone else's money. I've been warning for some time that this was going to happen, so thanks to the buyers for their money"

Analyzing his messages, the world economic system comes to mind and I think it's the same game. Let's give some examples with understandable figures:

-Let's say that all the money in the world is $10.

-Let's say that all the habitants of the world are 10 people.

-Let's put money in circulation to move the economy, generate jobs, economic growth, etc...

-Let's say that 2 people decide to create a company and ask for $4 each. They get their loan with 5% interest.

- Let's say that the other 8 people ask for loans to fix or buy their houses and each one receives $0.25 with their 5% interest.

If all the money in the world is $10 and you have to repay a total of $10 + 5% interest... where are the people going to get that 5% if it's not from someone else's pocket? We print more and lend more would think FED and ECB!

In another interesting conversation a friend told me that in his environment people think he wants to scam them when he recommends that they learn about cryptocurrencies ??

And meanwhile he bought The Meta Key at $600 and two lands in Decentraland in addition to accumulating Bitcoin and Ethereum.

We are at roughly 5% global crypto adoption, so it's all ahead. Still, there has never been a technology that was so rapidly adopted.

And no, I remind you that it is not financial advice, nor do I want to keep your money. I'll probably sell what I accumulate to someone one day because they're going to need it. I may need it because it is one more legal tender currency.

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Do not forget to follow all my advice if you want to lose your wife because you have put the rent money in "coins that are worth cents but can be worth thousands of dollars"

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