World Economic Forum’s New Academic Paper Favors Chainlink

The paper “Bridging the Governance Gap: Interoperability for Blockchain and Legacy Systems” is co-authored by Sergey Nazarov, co-founder Chainlink, and Punit Shukla, the WEF blockchain project lead. It outlines an open-source framework that will act as a bridge between legacy digital systems and smart contracts. Additionally, the paper proposes standardization of crypto oracles and is using Chainlink as a case study.

Chainlink for DeFi

The paper recommends that legacy systems that interoperate with DLTs must adopt a decentralized oracle network. Chainlink provides a major advantage here as it works across all major blockchains. Also, it provides high-quality oracles on which the enterprises can depend for reliable data. 2020 witnessed millions of dollars being hacked from DeFi protocols that rely on centralized price oracles. Thus, Chainlink like infrastructure is very important for systems interacting with DeFi protocols where billions of dollars flow in and out every day.

The paper also highlights a few services that the decentralized oracle network must provide. Interestingly, Chainlink is already providing some of those to the world’s leading enterprises for years now.

Furthermore, the paper also mentions MakerDAO as a case study, the protocol that uses oracles to fetch asset prices of supported collaterals.

PolkaDot, Cosmos for interoperability

Primarily, the WEF academic paper focuses on interoperability between non-blockchain systems and smart contracts. Thus, along with data validation, it is equally important to have interoperable blockchains in the ecosystem. To standardize the interoperability between blockchains, WEF is studying and Cosmos.

LINK price

In the last 24 hours, the LINK price is down by 0.1%. At the time of press, the LINK token was trading a little over $12.16

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