WoC Free-to-play: Introducing World of Cryptoids Dollar (WOCD)

If you’ve logged in to your World of Cryptoids account recently, aside from our stunning introduction to our prologue lore, you would notice there were some newly added features in the game. Most important of all is the introduction of World of Cryptoids Dollars (WOCD)!

Different from $CAC and $CGC, WOCD is a centralised token. You could also exchange WOCD for mCAC, which is obtainable for F2P players. The exchange rate of WOCD:mCAC is 100:5, in other words, for 100 WOCD you could exchange for 5 mCAC. 

Of course, it is not gonna make you rich by day, but you could slowly build your way to some extra mCAC. Especially when you want to try breeding a new cryptoid but you are short in mCAC, WOCD is a great gateway for you to earn mCAC with little to no threshold.

How to get WOCD?

So how do you get your hands on WOCD? For now, there are three ways of getting yourself some WOCD, they are:

  • Register reward

After registering an account in World of Cryptoids, you will receive a one-time reward of 77 WOCD. You will receive this reward automatically after you log in. Don’t worry if you registered before this update, you will also receive this register reward.

  • Login-in bonus

You can now receive a login reward by checking in to the game. You can receive a total of 10 WOCD while checking in for seven days.

  • Time-limiting task

For time-limiting task, you can receive a total of 13 WOCD by smashing eggs, breeding cryptoids and inviting your friends to bind their wallets and breed new cryptoids. 

Completing all the tasks will give you a total of 100 WOCD, which covers half of the breeding cost of two virgin Cryptoid parents. For now, 100 WOCD is what you could get so far. However, we will be adding different ways to get WOCD, so stay tuned for that!

How to withdraw WOCD?

Ok, you have your WOCD already, how to exchange it for mCAC? Inside your game, you can see “Withdraw” on the top right-hand corner where it will direct you to the Marketplace. You can then exchange your WOCD for mCAC on a 100:5 ratio.

Hammer it away

Remember we’ve just mentioned earning WOCD through smashing eggs? WOCD is not the only feature we add in during our F2P. Throughout the course of your playthrough, you will notice another new item we are giving out, Hammer!

What you can do with these hammers? You can smash eggs! And inside those eggs are the 12 Novice Cryptoids! When you smash an egg, you will receive one of the 12 Novice Cryptoids. 

You could smash an egg with just three hammers at the beginning, but the hammers required to smash an egg will increase gradually. 

One of the time-limited quests will require you to smash all 12 eggs. Therefore, try your best to complete all tasks and unlock all these 12 Novice Cryptoids!

What are Novice Cryptoids

The 2 Novice Cryptoids are free-to-play Cryptoids that will not generate mCGC. So what is the use of these Novice Cryptoids? Well, Novice Cryptoids exist because we do not want to block the players from experiencing World of Cryptoids for themselves with a paywall. 

Now with 12 Novice Cryptoids, you can already try out the game for yourself before investing anything. More than that, the Novice Cryptoids are not just any random Cryptoids, they are tailormade Cryptoids with skills specialized in different aspects of gameplay.

Among the 12 Cryptoids, you could find healer, tank, critical-focused attacker, energy generator, etc. New players can experience different types of playstyle before investing in breeding or buying a new Cryptoid.

Since these Novice Cryptoids are inexperienced and new to the battlefield, their stats are generally lower than the Cryptoid of the same rank. 

However, every Novice Cryptoids had a great synergy between their ability kit. Therefore, the Novice Cryptoids will only be as, if not more, powerful than the average Cryptoids. With the help of Novice Cryptoids, you might even progress further in Adventure mode!

In short, this F2P update is a new chapter of World of Cryptoids and even more new contents are coming soon in this splendid Cryptoidia. Stay tuned!