Why You Shouldn't Care About Doxxed Founders in Defi and NFT Projects

I've been hanging around the NFT crowd too much. It's a crowd that is focused on getting fiat and not concerned at all about the political implications of crypto. They are the easiest people to find, however, and that's my excuse. Because everything in that world is based on who you are and who you know, they are always throwing events. Yacht parties and art shows. It's fun.

But the attitude of "founders must dox or project is scam" from this group is becoming more prevalent in other sectors of crypto than it should. If defi takes on this attitude, then the sector is dead before it starts. The number of projects whose only attack vector is the public identity of the founders is troubling. Important projects, too, like Uniswap.

So just to let you know, having a doxxed team really isn't that important in crypto, in any sector. It's a crutch that a lot of people use because they don't know any better.

$GMX still hasn't doxxed. Azuki and BAYC founders were not doxxed at the time of their initial rise. I've found many smaller projects, such as Helix Finance from Geometry, that haven't doxxed to the public. Frank of DeGods wears a mask everywhere he goes. The list goes on.

In the meantime, teams with doxxed founders continue to scam left and right. Daniele Sesta of Wonderland, Do Kwon of Terra. Wintermute is fully doxxed and just lost $160 million.

If you don't know how to read a smart contract to determine potential issues in a protocol, knowing who created the project won't help you protect your investment. And having a team full of people with stacked web2 resumes does not ensure the success of a project. Just look at the ENTIRE P2E gaming sector

What ensures the success of a project is a great coding infrastructure. That's where the tokenomics of that game you love comes from, the assurance that your NFT is actually connected to a revenue stream, the protection that your yield farm tokens can't get snatched unexpectedly. The space is meant to be trustless; that is, you don't have to rely on a smiling face to determine whether the project is viable or not. This trustlessness is the major upgrade crypto brings to the business world. Without it, crypto is really just a faster way to lose your cash to the next scammer.

This is why I'm deepening my knowledge of coding, in preparation for truly decentralized projects of my own and to better assess projects that are already out there. I suggest you do the same, because if you're not willing to do that work, crypto doesn't owe you anything. I refuse to let fallible centralized arbitrators snatch control of this industry (or at least me) based on the testimony of lazy morons saying they got scammed by a smiling face when the code is right there to check.

Code is law. Learn the law.
