Why PancakeSwap is bad for Crypto

A platform like PancakeSwap is very usefull. However, it gives the opportunity for huge financial scams. Literally, anybody can create a token on the BINANCE Smart Chain and it can be traded on PancakeSwap and there is no protection for the user whatsoever. 

Literally, just now I ran to this shit being promoted by some moron on TikTok - SafeGalaxy. The problem I have with it is that it's not listed anywhere in the world except PancakeSwap. Including CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko, and so on.

Once you go to their website, it looks like it's made from a 3rd grader and has a link to "BUY" SafeGalaxy that leads to PancakeSwap and you see this warning:

I literally can build such a website in 2 hours, create a token and import it on BSC and start advertising it. This is exactly what was done in this case - they even created a sub-Reddit for this piece of sh!t.

I urge you guys, please stay away from this pile of garbage. Keep your money and investing in projects that are worth your time and money.

I personally try reporting those kinds of content creators for spreading misinformation, however without much success.