Why I think investing in FUSION is great opportunity!

Let's start with Fusion (FSN) first:

Founder: dj Qian, funder of Bitse (Vechain, Qtum)

Team: Andre cronje -Also funder of Yearn.Finance (YFI), (previous head of innovation zhaojun he, karim chaib,..)


Adoption: almost top performer of # transactions (better than monero, link, cardano,...): https://coinstats.network/  


  • Dcrm: interoperability protocol built with top 4 cryptographer in the world : https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/04/08/1798925/0/en/World-Class-Cryptographers-Join-Forces-with-Fusion-to-Build-Superior-Blockchain-Interoperability-and-Distributed-Custodial-Solution.html
  • Time lock (Possibility to send your token for a specific period, and then token are returned to you
  • Quantum swap, Smart contracts ....

Even European Central Bank (ECB) did a report mentioning fusion: https://twitter.com/djqianfusion/status/1355864968919273475?s=19

Dapps :

  •  ANY: https://anyswap.exchange/dashboard

    Fees are very very low compared to UNISWAP and all decentralized exchanges...

    The only decentralized cross chain protocol available can seemlessly move assets between blockchain ethereum , binance, huobi, fantom, fusion blockchain with btc, ltc, eth, link...

    Andre Cronje just chilled it : https://mobile.twitter.com/FAndreCronjeTech/status/1357223320295337984

  • New Dapp CHAINGE with 150k + registred in the Waitist :  Just register here to get free token (will be listed on March) => be your own bank (already 150 k registred). All Defi options will be available

Mcap: fusion 10 millions. Anyswap 2 millions mcap Edit : Mcap :fusion 20 millions (*2 couple of hour) Anyswap 15 millions mcap (*3 couple of hours). If Mcap will be the same ranking than adoption, it will be multiplied by 100 !! That's Why I think you should consider investing in fusion (not a financial advise, please DYOR)