Why Did Vitalik Buterin The CEO Of Ethereum Send $1M To Coinbase

We all know who Vitalik Buterin is by now, the CEO of ETHEREUM, I've seen some questionable tweets from him recently and on Monday he made a 600 ETH transaction (Roughly around $1,000,000usd) to Coinbase.

I personally don't know what the scenario could be;

- Is it because the Crypto market is tanking? 

- Does he plan to withdraw that for something important

- What's really going on with the young ETHEREUM CEO?

Here are 2 posts I found of him before reading about his transaction to Coinbase.

What could possibly be going on?

With the crypto markets being bearish It is expected for CEO's and other managers to take some profits to save for a rainy day but VB writing "I'm Innocent. I did nothing wrong" Is quite concerning. What's really going on with the Ethereum foundation? why are so many people discreet about VB's whereabouts? What is that $1M USD going to be used for?

Right before he made the $1M USD deposit to the COINBASE CEX he repaid 251K $RAI on Maker and withdrew 1,000 $ETH($1.67M) yesterday. RAI is an ETH-backed non-pegged stablecoin.

What will happen with the crypto markets next?


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