Why and how to run a ChainX node on Ankr

Looking to get started with ChainX? Eager to know what ChainX is? This article will cover both, so stay where are you are and learn about what separates ChainX from other Polkadot Parachains.

ChainX is one of the several Parachains of Polkadot, a Web3 Foundation project focused on bringing the numerous blockchains of the sector together through interoperability and easy integration.

The ChainX team is building a public blockchain ecosystem of multi-currency integration. With a unique PoS consensus algorithm that follows an asset mining model, “One Asset One Vote” measures mining power based on market value of large caps like BTC, ETH, EOS, and other assets from users inter-chain deposits. Deposit data is then used with Bitcoin’s model to halve output eventually, and distribute PCX tokens in the fairest way possible.

If you are ready to start asset mining across different chains with ChainX, read on!

Tutorial: how to deploy your ChainX node on Ankr

1. Head to app.ankr.com, create an account if you don’t have one already, then click the Deploy a Node button.

2. Search or scroll down to find the ChainX card, hover over it and press the Deploy button next to the Validator node or Full node label.

The Validator node is for staking, while the Full node serves development purposes.

3. Now you are taken to the configuration page. The hardware configuration is already set to the optimal system requirements, but you are allowed to increase the specifications if you wish to do so by using the Advanced button.

4. The platform also recommends a cluster, which is usually the one that has the most freely available resources. In this particular case, the recommended cluster is the UK cluster, but another cluster may be recommended depending on where resources are most available at the time.

5. If you are deploying a Full node, select if you need archiving. In case you want to query historical data, please select Archive. If this is not the case, you can go with the Non-Archive option for less disk space and faster performance.

If you want to run a Validator, there is no archive option.

6. Name your node, using up to 32 characters, or simply take the default name provided.

7. Select your preferred payment option (ANKR ERC-20, ANKR Native or USDT or credit card). If you choose to pay with cryptocurrency you need to deposit funds on the generated address.

8. Click Deploy and once payment is received, your node will automatically start deploying and be online in minutes for use!


You can find the most relevant FAQ’s and interact directly with our customer service agents at https://app.ankr.com, or contact the admins in our official Telegram Node Support group

Useful ChainX links

  • Website: https://chainx.org/
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/chainx_org
  • Telegram: https://t.me/chainx_org
  • Github: https://github.com/chainx-org/ChainX
  • Block reward rules: https://doc.chainx.org/#/zh-en/vote

Follow Ankr on social media

  • Website: https://www.ankr.com/
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/ankr
  • Telegram announcements: https://t.me/anrknetworkann
  • Telegram chat: https://t.me/ankrnetwork
  • Telegram Node Support: https://t.me/AnkrNodeSupport
  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ankr/
  • Discord support channel: https://discord.gg/kFETwMD
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ankr_cloud/