Which coins to buy this weekend? Issue #5

The weekend is approaching, and you are looking for the bullish crypto, like everyone. You are even wondering if you are not going to buy some joke coins like DOGE, SHIBA INU or anything which could pump by 100% within the same day. Let's have a look at the coins you could buy this weekend:

1) Joke coins

You can make a hell of money with joke coins, you can lose all your money too. Well-known coins like DOGE or SHIBA INU already pumped a while ago. They will not pump again like they already did. I would recommend a similar one, but less well-known, for instance RYOSHI. This coin is likely totally useless, but it has already pumped by 277% in the last 7 days and may go higher over the weekend. You may just put $1 on it... We never know.

2) Top coins

The market is bullish but could quickly reverse this upward trend if there was any new regulatory issue with a major area like China, India, US or  Europe. For instance, Netherlands' Central Bank issued BINANCE warning this week, saying "Binance is not in compliance with the country's anti-money laundering and anti-terror financing act, and is offering custodian wallets and services illegally". These news can affect BNB and the whole crypto market. Therefore, it is safer to invest in top coins with long term potential and real use cases. These ones may continue to grow:

  • ADA, due to the shortly expected Alonzo launch - with smart contract functionalities allowing DeFi solutions
  • DOT & KSM, due to the current DeFi development and the work Polkadot community is doing to develop the compatibility with Ethereum
  • MATIC, due to the low gas fees compared to Ethereum and the DeFi developments in which Polygon invested $250 million this week
  • ETH, due to its lowest volatility and the long term potential of the Proof-Of-Stake ETH 2.0 which will be a major breakthrough for the market

3) Future top coins

That's the most challenging part. I would target the competitors of Ethereum, and among them, FTM sounds quite promising: very low gas fees, attractive DeFi APYs and real use cases. FTM already pumped a lot recently, but it might go higher. If you want to mitigate the risk, you can put it in a liquidity pool with another token, e.g. through Popsicle Finance or Spookyswap, and then just earn the rewards. FTM might reach $1 by the year end.

Another good option is Elrond's EGLD (eGold) since the Elrond's Maiar exchange (DEX) is currently being tested and will soon be released.

In summary, there are many coins in which you could invest this weekend, although nothing can be guaranteed here. That's not a financial advice. Keeping a part of your crytpos into stable coins, e.g. in a liquidity pool, is more than recommended, since the market could turn bearish any day.

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