Where should newcomers start?

Regarding the question: Where should a newbie start, perhaps my answer is to start with having the right investment mindset!!!”

That's true, if you are a brand new chicken, don't be in a hurry to buy or sell, ask if this one can come in, or if that one can be bought, take your time and learn and feel it, if you feel it's ok then consider paying down. .

??Many Newbies ask me about many issues about the Crypto market, most of the content revolves around one issue: there are too many sources of information, KOLs, teams, groups, projects, etc. And you are lost among countless sources of information, not knowing where to start, how to approach, how to research, how to research properly, what to buy, when to sell, etc.

It seems like many of you are lost. I will write this newbie series, mentioning the content and directions that I think are reasonable for you, whether you are young like a student or older but just taking baby steps. Entering this Crypto market and don't understand where to start.

Writing from now until the uptrend, I think it's probably okay, because the uptrend is when it's chaotic, crazy and runs incredibly fast. At that time, you will see the butcher at the market, the motorbike taxi driver at the alley, the neighbor... chatting about Crypto, virtual money, Bitcoin...etc. There are a lot of F0. At that time, taking this document out may be useful for you at that time, saving you the trouble of explaining a lot.

?? Okay, now can you try to answer some of the following questions? “What do you invest for? Why choose Crypto investment?

“Newbie friends, why do you have to invest? What's the point of investing to make your head tired? Wouldn't it be more leisurely to go to work in the morning and relax and go out to drink in the evening? Why do you have to tire yourself and think hard to learn and invest? Is it better to choose a stable job to do and be satisfied with yourself? ..etc.

=> If you are still confused and do not understand the purpose of investing money for yourself? For whatever purpose, maybe you should slow down, don't rush to spend money, don't rush to ask if I can buy this one, if that one has a good price...etc. Just take it slow, step by step, slowly but surely to learn.

You can refer to my reasons below. “I want to change my personal finances to have a better, better quality and healthier life. From there, we can help more people."

That's the simple reason why I invest to make money.

Many people have other reasons such as:

- Leaving money sitting in the bank will automatically lose value, due to the problem of annual inflation (Inflation).

- To be rich

- Earn more money, to worry less about personal finances for yourself and your family

- Challenge yourself in a new environment - Shop without looking at the price, spend what you like (this is similar to the first idea)

- Do charity work, help people in difficult situations (like my idea)

- Passionate about Crypto, addicted to futures, hard to quit - Too much money so just throw it away

- And there are many other reasons...etc. Maybe each person has a different idea, ideal and way of thinking, but in short, everyone has their own purpose.

?? So why do you choose Crypto to access and invest and not something else?

Surely most of you already know this question, nothing is impossible in Crypto, from x10 in a moment to disappearing bankruptcy after 3 days (LUNA, FTX) is not uncommon in the market. this school. It is the "UNINCREDIBLE" profit margin that has turned many people into millionaires after just one successful uptrend season with the right investments. And this has excited and attracted huge attention to the crowd out there, who have never invested in Crypto. I agree with you, this is a market that can make your account xxx horribly, but dividing 5 into 7 is also very normal.

Therefore, please evaluate with a correct investment mindset: "Investing in Crypto is because of the large level of profit, giving me the ability to change my financial picture. However, this is a market full of risks and pitfalls. So be mentally ready to accept the loss of all your investments and only put in the amount of money within your tolerance level.”

?? See, before asking "Can I buy this one, or does that one have potential?", always think like that in your mind. When an unfortunate incident occurs, be ready and ready to accept it! Saying that does not mean that this market is bad, multi-level, and 100% a scam. You must know how to filter, research and use the right investment methods to limit risks as well as find the right direction for yourself. During this time, you should try to keep your money and don't lose too much in the market. Accumulate capital and knowledge, then when the opportunity comes, if we seize the right time, just one successful uptrend season will change our financial picture a lot.

Okay, that's all for the opening thoughts. In the next articles, let's explore the methods of making money in the Crypto market as well as how to access each type of knowledge. All knowledge and information in the article is taken from my own experience combined with knowledge learned and filtered from many other good KOLs to complete this series.

If there is anything incorrect, please forgive me and give me more comments to enrich the material for everyone.

“Knowledge is endless, and no one is smarter than all of us”