🔥What’s Next After the DeFi Booming? NFT!


There is a few months of boom in the DeFi sector. Now it seems NFT is taking over and become the focus of the blockchain community’s discussion. Today, we are going to look through those hot NFT projects that connect closely with DeFi, or build up their own economy by lauching tokens.



NFT + DeFi



Token: RARI

Price (12pm UTC0): $7.73

Rarible is a decentralized NFT marketplace. If you are a content creator, you are able to mint your creative work into fungible or non-fungible tokens and sell it. If you are a collector, you can purchase digital collectibles in Rarible marketplace, secured with blockchain.

In July, Rarible issued its governance token RARI. The total $25,000,000 RARI token is divided as follow: 2% airdrop to Rarible users and 8% going to all NFT holders, 30% of the supply will go to investors and the Rarible team, and the rest 60% will be accessible through what the team called “Marketplace Liquidity Mining.” 


Every Sunday 75,000 tokens are distributed to counterparties who made a sale or a purchase on Rarible during the week: Both buyers and sellers equally receive 50% of the distributed amount.

The token can be used to vote, moderate the hot artworks picked by the platform and more governance issues. Rarible is gradually becoming an actual Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), as the platform users will be the ones in charge of all the decisions for the platform. So that RARI token is an essential part of the platform.


Token: GHST

Price (12pm UTC0): $0.702821

Aavegotchi is a new collectible game created by Aave, the leading DeFi project. This new game is a mixture of the DeFi and NFT elements: Aavegotchis are NFTs staked with interest-generating aTokens. In other words, they are DeFi-powered NFTs.

GHST token is the ecosystem token of Aavegotchi game. You’ll need to spend GHST to buy in-game items. It’s also the governance token of Aavegotchi, and thus token holders can vote in the AavegotchiDAO. 



GHST Token launched on Mainnet on 14th Sept, starting with 2 phase: the first is a pre-sale of 500,000 GHST at 0.1 DAI each, used to bootstrap liquidity; and second, the launch of the GHST token bonding curve, a continuous Automated Market Maker (AMM) that mints and burns GHST on demand, starting at 0.2 DAI / GHST.


GRAP Finance (Crypto Wine)

Token: GRAP

Price (12pm UTC0): $0.151148

The GRAP token issued by GRAP Finance is a cryptocurrency with a supply that adjusts every day according to demand in the marketplace. Each day the Grap rebase operation compares the 24hr Volume-weighted-avg Grap price to the target price. If the price is above the target, supply increases. If the price is below the target, supply decreases.

Then what’s its connection with NFTs?

The project introduces an experiment called “Winemaking”. It’s a kind of NFT mining. Crypto Wine is obtained by pledging GRAP liquid currency pairs for lossless investment.


Each player in the pledge pool can randomly get an airdrop distribution, and the pledge will provide you with brewing points, and each draw costs 100 points. Users can freely trade or collect after drawing Crypto Wine. 10,000 pieces of Crypto Wine in 50 different designs were released on 10th Sept, 



Token: ARTE

Price (12pm UTC0): $4.97

ethArt is an on-chain ERC721 deployer for Ethereum artists. It’s designed to meet the artists’ need of a free and fancy way to deploy and manage ERC721 tokens (NFTs) without any line of code.

It has issued its voting token, ARTE. The token holders can manage the information of NFTs stored in the State Holder of ethArt (NFT Owner and NFT Data) like an anonymous bank, in co-ownership with the ERC721 holders. ARTE tokens are backed by the value of every ERC721 deployed.

The only way to receive ARTE is to mint ERC721 in co-ownership with the Ethart Bank. Or you can choose to maintain full ownership of the NFT without receiving ARTE tokens.


DEGO Finance

Token: DEGO

Price (12pm UTC0): $1.62

DEGO refers to LEGO in the DeFi world. It introduces a new farming model called “liquidity mining with algorithmic adjusted”.

Each DeFi protocol can be regarded as a brick: it could be the stable coin like DAI, flash loans like AaveCompound, DEX like Uniswap and Balancer, or derivatives like Synthetix. Around these underlying protocols, DEGO team aims to create diversified investment portfolios and generate substantial financial returns for users.



It’s going to launch an NFT mining function, that enable users to stake DEGO tokens and yield farm NFT collectibles.




Token: MEME

Price (12pm UTC0): $773.67




Token: WHALE

Price (12pm UTC0): $10.06


For the 2 hot projects Meme and Whale, we’ve introduced them in this article: Tired of the DeFi Drama? Farm NFTs!



Virtual Game World


The Sandbox

Token: SAND

Price (12pm UTC0): $0.04318608

The Sandbox is a community-driven platform where creators can purchase vitual land and create their own buildings. The digital assets are NFTs secured on the blockchain, and can be traded for profits.

SAND is the utility token used throughout The Sandbox ecosystem as the basis of transactions and interactions. It is an ERC-20 standard token based on Ethereum. 




Token: MANA

Price (12pm UTC0): $0.080040

Decentraland is a 3D virtual world powered by the Ethereum blockchain. Players can use Avatars to explore, create and experience in the game.

Its native cryptocurrency MANA is used to process payments in the game. MANA holders are also the members of Decentraland governance community with the right to vote.



Somnium Space

Token: CUBE

Price (12pm UTC0): $0.243132

Somnium Space seems to take the VR game to the next level — make the VR world sociable and decentralized. Here, players can build an open, social, virtual reality world.

To create a better game economy and social system for players, it issued its in-world cryptocurrency based on the ERC20 standard, CUBE. The token value adds up to the game’s blockchain based economy, as it becomes a crutial element of the ecosystem and makes in-game transfers easier.

Now you can trade Somnium CUBEs on Uniswap.



Socios.com (Chiliz)

Token: CHZ

Price (12pm UTC0): $0.011127

Socios.com is a dapp to bring fans closer to their clubs, let them vote on club matters and reward them for their participation. They’ve signed with several world-famous football and esport teams, such as Juventus, FC Barcelona, Paris Saint-Germain, Atletico de Madrid, Galatasaray etc.

We’ve written a review of socios.com and its Fan Token in this article: Socios.com - Sport is More Than A Game and You Are More Than A Fan.




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