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The development of live NFTs will be possible, thanks to a scientist who suggested working on this type of technology while it is transmitted to billions of people. The development of the Cardano blockchain has been giving something to talk about and it is precisely because of events like this that the progress achieved will be demonstrated once again.

What will actually happen? Stephen Wolfram is the British scientist and billionaire, known for his work in computer science, mathematics and theoretical physics, who will develop this NFT.

Specifically, Wolfram will do something with cellular automata that are known to be obsolete computing elements and do not provide any services. These cell phones will be turned into unique NFT pieces of art, in certified measurements, and everything will happen in real time, transmitted thanks to the Cardano network.

Flexibility and adaptability

But it is interesting to know some precedents that have marked the life of this scientist, who has expressed; "As we emerge from this obscurantism of the pandemic, it is possible to reconnect with all communities to refocus on a shared project for the future." Being at the top of a technological renaissance that heralds new ways of working solid connections, and where precisely technology is setting milestones, something like this happens. In this sense, Wolfram comments: "In WBL, a future is envisioned where they will forge, store and share historical moments live that will unite more communities." In his IOHK blog, where he has displayed a large amount of information regarding what is coming up for Cardano, his comments do not stop. He recently reported: “I was inspired by a recent business trip to Miami at Bitcoin 2021, where I was present on stage at the Cardano Meetup.

Since the beginning of 2021, WBL has learned to know the Cardano variants, creating an integration with the Cardano blockchain in W. Language ”. Using a language truly typical of a mathematician connected to reality, Wolfram has exhibited a series of events to share with his readers.

Liveminting for everyone

It is probably the first global liveminting event, which will broadcast the process of developing or creating an NFT live, on the Cardano blockchain. Liveminting where you will transform the well-known Wolfram cellular automata (simple elements in a computational universe) into true works of art certified in NFT, you will make a one-of-a-kind NFT. This is just the beginning of practical working solutions from WBL and IOHK, because WBL will soon have a Mint NFT feature from the Wolfram Language, where the Cardano blockchain integration comes in handy. It is a way of telling the world that true decentralization in the digital and the physical is possible and is getting closer and closer. Token makers and NFT markets, once they witness how they can build this kind of art, will start to thrive after they are generally accessible and understood. As such, they are working to finalize the specific markers and functions that will perform the analytics of how much they perform and how NFT should be sold in a specific cryptacommunity.

Just as everyone has seen what happened with the media impact of NFTs on cultural sentiment, many other experiences will be the attraction for more people to reach out to the Cardano community. In this way, a space can continue to grow where everyone will be welcome and everyone will be able to develop, exhibit and sell their works of art, without taxation. Decentralized Artists at WBL are excited to be pretty much the first to develop new experiences with NFT and to witness what happens while democratizing all the tools necessary for everyone to join in the fun of NFT. Because having a totally decentralized space, where artists and developers can converge, is an approximation to the ideal. All this will make possible a boost for global and social connection where users will have better control of their creations, which will be transferred to other spaces while financial services are democratized.

Precisely the democratization of current financial services is something that Cardano is pursuing and that will surely not rest until it is achieved. NFTs sparked the global imagination like the hype of ICOs or initial offerings for cryptocurrencies has never before. The millions that are raised in these first meetings, do not finish to overcome the surprise effect caused by the technology that involves the NFTs. And although the focus is essentially on how to speculate and the cash price of these, the same discussion has led the world to take a fresh look at the systematic, the decentralized services and applications. Elements that are being feasible thanks to the infinite benefits that developers reveal every day around the blockchain. Collectibles are a very special way to show what you consider valuable in connecting with our global community, just as everyone at the Cardano Meetup is connecting. And it is just the beginning of many things and changes that must be implemented in all aspects of our lives, because the approaches of this technology grow and there seems to be no end.

This is extremely powerful, because while many models today celebrate the ephemeral and the transitory, NFTs celebrate the timeless. Being able to develop something that does not expire, something that does not have dates or times and that also has an implicit economic value, goes beyond simple technology. When we enable communities to record and celebrate moments like christenings, birthdays, degrees or weddings, we are uniting people around common goals and looking toward a common future. Because we all want to build memories, knowing that they will make us happy, and to have them on hand to enjoy later.

Moving forward in collaboration It is nice to read this mathematician and find out about the news that together with Cardano, they bring to the whole community. "One of the best parts," says Wolfram, "of my job at Wolfram Blockchain Labs is being able to interact with community members of our blockchain contributors." The number of active members eager to participate and contribute their knowledge has been growing so rapidly that Wolfram cannot figure out how to describe it. "Looking at how the WBL ecosystem can become truly global and decentralized, I realized that decentralization is not just about changing technology." Wise words, coming from a scientist, who says: "It is a matter of changing the way we interact with our communities while allowing new types of collaboration." This, in direct allusion to the great avalanche of collaborators who daily express their desire to join the Cardano community.

Thanks to all the contributions and advances, communities can now connect through global networks, while scientists and academics continue to work independently and collectively towards a shared future. This is something that was present at the Cardano Meetup in Miami, during Bitcoin 2021, where Cardano supporters were seen united by a shared belief that it will become the rule rather than the exception in the future.

Conclusions Making the rule, something that some continue to consider as the exception, is another challenge that within Cardano they are willing to take on and make it happen. So, thinking of a total decentralization where connections, transactions, creations and development are possible on the same platform, is to visualize the north. A path that Wolfram has already begun to walk from IOHK with Hoskinson, achieving something truly incredible, and turned into a reality that sooner rather than later, we will be enjoying. Wolfram ends his story like this: "I was touched by everyone's emphasis on building a global ecosystem to help people achieve financial independence for their families and communities." “After witnessing the power of the global Cardano community, I realized that this feeling of togetherness crystallizes in NFT or Non-Fungible Tokens.