What You should know about Upland metaverse...

Hi folks,

Since there is an amazing contest taking place right now, I've decided to take part with an article on Upland. I'm still a beginner with this game so I've spent the last few days exploring and learning it. And what I found was mind-blowing...


1 What is Upland?

2 How to begin playing

3 How to buy properties and for what

4 User Interface

5 What is the meaning of NFT?

6 How to earn more UPX

  • A- Buy UPX directly with your real money
  • B- Earn UPS from your own properties
  • C- Earn UPX from completing collections
  • D- Earn UPX from visitor fees
  • E-Treasure hunts

7 The team behind Upland...

8 Conclusion:

Hope you enjoy reading :))


1 What is Upland?

Who doesn't want to own their own piece of land? And who can't but marvel at glistening high-rise buildings that we see nowadays?

Well, I'm here to tell you that there is a parallel world in which you can do all this and more. Yes, it's not just a pipe dream it's reality.

Upland is a blockchain-powered game that has set the goal to become a digital metaverse blending the boundaries between virtual worlds and the real world.

It is a project that is building a decentralized virtual world on top of EOS’s blockchain, in which users can buy, sell, and trade lands that are mapped to real-world addresses.

Do you remember Monopoly? the game that most of us used to play when we were kids.

Upland has a similar vision where users can buy properties and monetize them. However, things here are far more interesting and advanced.

In upland, you can interact with your friends, visit other places, enter exciting competitions and challenges, search for treasures, and enjoy tourism to new places and countries. It would not be an exaggeration to say that you will live a completely different parallel life. It kinda reminds me of the famous Matrix movie.


2 How to begin playing

Upland is a free-to-play game where you can sign up as easily as creating an email. Anyone is welcome to register with Upland.

Moreover, in conjunction with this contest, Upland's team announced a generous gift with their in-game native currency to anyone register using the special link provided to the contest article: -  Start Playing Upland NOW!

After using the special link, you'll get a doubled sign-up bonus of 6,000 UPX (equivalent to $6). This will grant you a good head-start to execute your first purchase within Upland.

3 How to buy properties and for what

As mentioned above, Upland has its own native currency called UPX which can be used to buy/sell properties.

Once you purchase a property, you permanently own it. And since it is backed by a blockchain, everything here is transparent and reachable. You can check the irrefutable evidence of ownership for your properties on the blockchain.

Each land within Upland is a unique NFT(I'll get into this in a bit ) that will pay you a regular yield of UPX as long as you own it. These earned UPX tokens can be used to buy more properties, travel to new places, and expand your "virtual empire".


4 User Interface:

Upland has one of the most intuitive interfaces I've ever met. It's self-explanatory, so you'll not find any difficulty getting hang of it.

Typically, When you log on, you'll see a replica of the real-world map.

It's worth mentioning that there are only three cities that have been mapped so far, and these are:

  • New York (NY)
  • San Francisco (CA)
  • Fresno (CA)

However, the game is under intense development, and there is a planned addition of new cities already in the pipeline.

If you look at the map, you'll see four different colors. Each of them represents a different ownership

  • Dark Blue: Refers to properties owned by you
  • Lite blue: Refers to properties owned by other players
  • Green: Refers to properties that are up for sale


When clicking on a property you own, there is a window that pops up containing some options:

  • Sell: This allows you to list your property for sale
  • Send: This allows you to move your avatar to the property
  • Treasure: Shows you if there are any treasure hunts active by displaying an arrow pointing to the treasure location
  • Build: This allows you to build construction on your properties (Not available yet)
  • Street: Shows you a 360-photo of the real-world property that is cryptographically tokenized
  • Title: Shows you the property certificate and takes you directly to EOS blockchain where the conclusive evidence of ownership can be checked.



5 What is the meaning of NFT?

Since we mentioned that lands within the Upland metaverse are NFTs, then I think it's hard not to briefly touch on what NFT is?

Well, NFT is the abbreviation for non-fungible token and it's a crypto token that identifies unique collectibles in a digital format. NFTs have some characteristics that differentiate them from other assets:

  • They cannot be counterfeited
  • They cannot be duplicated
  • They cannot be created on demand
  • They have permanence and ownership guaranties

You can think of them as something that cannot be mutually interchangeable or mixable with other assets or goods.

It's a new sector in the crypto space which many believe will be the next big thing in crypto after DeFi hype. I'm no different too. I think that we are about to witness a day when NFT-related projects are on the top-50 crypto rankings. That was another reason which pushed me into Upland Metaverse.

6 How to earn more UPX

As mentioned, UPX is the native in-game currency in Upland that you need to buy properties, visit new places, and participate in other activities. And in order to earn UPX, there are some methods that I'll delve into now:

A- Buy UPX directly with your real money:

This is the most intuitive one where you'll use your funds to buy UPX.

(1 USD = 1000 UPX).

You can pay either with USD (Paypal), or crypto.



B- Earn UPS from your own properties:

When owning a property within Upland, it will pay you recurrent earnings in form of UPX token that can be claimed every three hours. You can see these earnings as a rent that you receive for being the owner. This is an automatic rent payment set by the game system that pays players 17.28% of the initial purchasing price, which will ensure that you will be paid back your money in about 5.8 years. It is a realistic and long-term financial system that balances the growth of players' wealth and preservation the economy from hyperinflation.

C- Earn UPX from completing collections:

This is another way to earn UPX where can put properties in collections to increase the recurrent earnings. A property can contribute to a single collection at a time but can be switched to other collections without any cost.

Once completing a collection you will get a one-time UPX reward as well as a bonus for earnings for all active properties in the collection. After you execute your first purchase operation, you can immediately complete the “NEWBIE” collection which will give you a bonus amount of a whopping 800 UPX and a 1.1x multiplier for the recurrent earnings of your very first property.

D- Earn UPX from visitor fees:

You can impose a fee that costs folks visiting your own properties.

Why will players visit my own properties? You may ask.

Well, players will need to visit other players' properties in order to fulfill some tasks and activities such as treasure hunts, community challenges, exploring new areas, and so on. You can set a fee for all or any single one of the proprieties you own, which help you accumulate some more UPX.


E-Treasure hunts:

One of the most interesting and exciting things that you can do within Upland Metaverse is to participate in a treasure hunt challenge. Treasures within Upland spawn on minted properties on a random basis, so you need to use your block explorer to move around the map in search of them. You can earn a lot of UPX depending on the type of treasure. Some treasures involve more competition than others. You may compete against other players or against time. And once find a treasure, you get ALL its contents.



7 The team behind Upland...

Upland is headquartered in Silicon Valley where it was founded in 2018 by a star-studded team that includes Dirk Lueth, Mani Honigstein, and Idan Zuckerman. And there are further team members across Europe and the US.

It's also backed by qualified experts from the gaming, public relations, and blockchain industry, which gives me as a user complete peace of mind that the game is most likely to continue surviving and thriving.


8 Conclusion:

As you read this article, the total value of the crypto market is growing by billions of dollars. This incredible growth is fundamentally due to the intense competition between thousands of projects which now make up the crypto space. But, for many, crypto space has come to a standstill in recent years. Some experts who don't hide their admiration of the underlying technology behind Blockchain- are concerned that this technology will not be useful outside the crypto space. They see blockchain as an independent world that has no bridge to the real world. However, We're seeing now a project that is proving the opposite.

Upland is one of a few projects that's trying to fill that gap between the real world and the virtual. It's a BRAVE experiment that tries to copy the world we're living in and tokenizes it on a blockchain, blowing doors wide open to more advanced applications in the future.

It's worthy of utmost respect...

If you like to adventure in worlds you have never visited, you can give this game a go. And don't forget the special link which will grant you 6000 UPX to start with. Start Playing Upland NOW!


Thanks for reading :))