What To Do During A Lull? Accumulate!

It feels like we are in a bit of lull with everything in the crypto world. On Hive we are waiting on a few projects, airdrops and updates and just continuing to truck along doing our daily routines.

Things have just taken a massive dip and recovered a little bit from that, but are kind of just holding the last few days. When times like these are happening, I can't help but think that remembering fundamentals will make a calm time a very profitable period.

You can't get rich if you don't accumulate and hold your assets. I know firsthand that selling is the only way to guarantee that you don't make more profit on your trade (I guess that goes the other way too at the same time).

When you have times where shit isn't hitting the fan, but you also aren't on a rocket to massive profits, it just feels like a great time to stack some tokens and wait for a move. If things go down, you can continue to stack tokens via dollar cost averaging. If things go up, you can strategize the best time to take profits.

It feels like an accumulation period is the best time to come up with your strategy and continue to pursue it with passion.

I think it is a safe idea to do research during this period as well. Without huge things changing in the fundamentals of projects, you are able to read up on things and get a better understanding for what the asset you are accumulating actually does. I think that in the past I was guilty of investing in things that influencers told me were a good idea (thanks Bitboy) and usually ended up getting burned. When I started to do my own research and dive into things, I found project that had a lot more promise and felt better about being involved in them.

An accumulation period can be boring, but it feels like a study hall in high school... A chance to improve on yourself or a chance to mess around and do nothing, it is up to you.

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Who I am:

My name is Rob and I am a prospective law student with interests in cryptocurrency and blockchain. I have enjoyed my time thus far engaging with Web 3.0 and am looking to continue learning more and sharing what I learn through my experience