What projects will give x10 this year?

TOP 10 Crypto Projects by Developer Activity in October:

1. Cardano #ADA

2. Polka dot #DOT

3. Hedera #HBAR

4. Apts #APT

5. Chainlink #LINK

6. Cosmos #ATOM


8. Avalanche #AVAX

9. Multiverse #EGLD

10. Radix #XRD


Developer activity = means developers choose this platform to prepare for the bull run

If something is being prepared, it means that the site is adapted for this and is ready to take on activity = actively interacts with architects (those who build projects: issues grants, helps develop, gives traffic)

That is, it is on this blockchain that there will be the most audience that will use the products that are currently being built

So all these people will need the coin of the project to pay for gas => the price of the coin will grow

=> => the greater the activity of the developers, the (presumably) stronger the pump of the cost of cain on the bull run will be

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