What not to do to make money in cryptocurrencies?

When you enter the cryptocurrency game, you always have doubts. The vast majority of people, even experts in the financial market, will seek information and ways to guarantee gains in a less risky way. Generally speaking, they get "tips".But these tips do not always lead to success, the vast majority, these days, try to push "referral" programs, because whoever gave the tip is looking only at its acceptance. They usually take into account that people, eager to make a profit, understand that the valuable tip will make them win quickly without risk.This modern pyramid scheme, ponzi, is cool because it doesn't give losses, but those who join the scheme last always have to get new members....and the first ones always earn a lot more and, of course, they will give "tips " on how they earn a lot without doing anything!In this sense, below, there are some NO tips, because you can do it if you want, but these topics are for you not to lose: (they did not take you anywhere and no quick link will be indicated so that you can quickly earn money - because it doesn't exist, not at the speed you want!)1) Don't believe in quick gains without effort or without thinking. Horses tied to grinding stones, work for easy food, not realizing that they drag stone and work hard for others to earn more!2) Tokens, unless you deeply know the origin - something that nobody ever does - are just advanced speculative methods of extracting other people's money, to leverage profits for whoever made the token. Usually, if you're lucky not to lose, feel happy! Run away from Tokens.3) Tokens are not coins! It means that even if you earn a lot, you might not be able to trade it for anything, or you need an absurd withdrawal limit at a sinister brokerage that charges fees for everything!4) DefI are, for the most part, means of tokenizing things that, rotating among themselves, also only serve as reference programs and gains to creators. The aura of secure algorithm is the seductive factor that causes most to fall. Over time people give up and lose more in fees than they earn.5) Games that promise rewards in cryptocurrencies even pay. But, usually, you need to join a sinister brokerage that, again, charges fees and doesn't let you withdraw what you've earned. Or, to withdraw, it is necessary to put in money. This has a name: ponzi schema!6) Cryptocurrencies are traded on large brokers. If in the big brokers the currency you found doesn't exist, neither in the ethereum network, nor in the bitcoin network, don't do business. Don't even put money into brokerages to get your crypto junk. You will be being robbed.7) Say what you want: Gas, Gwei, Bitcoin fee and others are CHARGES hidden in the negotiation of each currency. Theoretically it is compensation for the cost of mining or maintenance effort. In other words, if you don't take it into account, you will lose, again, more than you win.8) BNB costs! Is expensive. This cryptocurrency system is expensive to maintain. Everyone earns less the simplest investor! When there is, for example, fee tax on pancake, for example, it will be in BNB... and, believe me, it's expensive! Make real transactions, don't play around taking off one side and putting it on the other... only you will lose!9) I don't believe the people who say they never studied and won! Those who win learn graphic tools, analyze situations. Most have their bitcoin saved because they know it will appreciate in value! There are people who sold it in the 50000, bought it in 32000 and hope to reach 45000. Nobody lost their hair. Ignore the hysteria! Time is the key to gain.10) Don't buy after having any discussion, on the impetus or without checking your emotional condition very carefully. Doing things on feelings, like movie heroes, is only good for movies, which, scripted, usually don't kill heroes...in real life....it destroys your economy.You may or may not agree with what is written above......but they are facts!Always look for cryptocurrencies. Currently, tokens, DefI and cryptocurrencies are confused. This is all to take you on crude and meaningless shopping... and when it comes to getting your money out of these traps, the token wins in taxes, in Gas, whatever, whatever they invent. Believe me, it will always be more than what you earned! Ever!Sensible people don't give you tokens or DefI. They only show you analysis for you to make a decision. Who pushes you things a lot is because, normally, they want to win over you. Rule of life!Be happy!