What Moves Are the Top Wallets Making?

While it is important to focus on these aspects of the blockchain and crypto space, it is also important to find out more about the top wallets in the crypto space. This article covers important trends taking place among the top wallet platforms, their focus, and what moves they are making.

Some of the wallets to be considered in this article are Fewture, PennilessWassie, Vitalik, Blur, FOMO, etc.

Before we move on, let’s find out important moves these top wallets are making according to crypto analyst Covduk.

Top Crypto Wallet Trends

There have been noticeable similarities in activities and moves among top crypto wallets. Also, the addressed trends were compiled from the activities of top crypto wallets like Ethereum, Blur, FOMO, etc. Some of these trends include:

  • Stablecoins – Most top wallets are heavily invested in stablecoins. Stablecoins are unique tokens usually pegged to real-world assets like fiat, precious stones, etc. Some can even be pegged to other cryptocurrencies. Most stablecoins are usually valued 1:1 to U.S. dollars (USD). Stablecoins are known to provide much-needed stability in the crypto space.
  • Fantom (FTM) – There’s been a lot of buzz around Fantom (FTM). Over half of the top wallet protocols accessed by Covduk are also on the Fantom Network. With an estimated 85% of all Miyazaki wallet positions in Fantom (FTM). Also, Fantom (FTM), in recent times, has been touted as a potential Ethereum killer. In January, it also became the third-largest DeFi protocol by TVL. The recent drop in FTM price has also resulted in a lot of wallets loading up on $FTM tokens.
  • – Most of the top wallet platforms are also heavily invested in NFTs.
  • Top Tier Protocols – Another major move most of these top wallets have in common is investing in top-tier protocols. Some of these top tiers protocols include Curve, Aave, and Convex.

Other trending moves among wallet platforms include TreasureDAO, ETH plays, APE, FPIS, ALI, etc.

Some Top Wallet Platforms

Covduk assessed a total of ten (10) top wallets. These wallets include:

  • Ethereum
  • PennilessWassie
  • Fewture
  • Vitalik
  • YFIMaxi
  • Miyazaki
  • SoldmanGachs

Let’s examine a few of these top wallets.

1. Ethereum Wallet

Ethereum has a portfolio size of $39.2 million alongside an NFT portfolio of $480,000. The wallet’s holdings include top tokens like ETH, SHIB, xDEFI, FPIS, RUNE, USDT, ALICE, etc.

Also, top NFTs on the wallet include Rebel Bots, Arcade Land, ETHlizards, BAYC, Pudgy Penguins, etc.

2. PennilessWassie

PennilessWassie has a portfolio size of $122 million and an NFT portfolio of $3.1 million. Its chain breakdown includes $106 million on the Ethereum Chain, which is about 86%, and $15.7 million on Arbitrum (an estimated 14%). Also, top NFTs on PennilessWassie include two Cryptopunks, a lot of Cupcats, and Cup cat kittens.


3. Vitalik

The Vitalik wallet has a portfolio size of $3.3 million and an NFT portfolio $425,000. It houses about $2.7 million (84%) on the ETH chain. With the other 16% shared among Arbitrum, Polygon, and Fantom chains. Also, its supported NFTs include ETH vault, Tubby Cats, CryptoArte, KaijuKingz, etc.


4. SoldmanGachs

This wallet has a portfolio size of $1.77 million and an NFT portfolio of $1.8 million. Also, its chain breakdown includes Arbitrum, ETH, BSC, and Polygon.

Lastly, its NFT portfolio also includes Cryptopunks, Mooncats, RTFKT, Art Blocks, etc.
