What Marhaba Defi is and How Does Work?

What Marhaba Defi is and How Does Work?

Hello crypto fans.

I hope you are all well.

I am honored to write about a very attractive and unique project for me. 

Marhaba defiis a project that comes of necessity. It's the first defi full ecosystem solution.

So it's got the wallet(Sahal Wallet) . It's got . It's got .It's got liquidity providing. It's got all these various assets within one project.

You can check it on their website.

Marhaba Defi

Marhaba Defi came out of necessity and it's the first in it's kind that is focusing on a huge market that was neglected before or that wasn't focused before. Now there are a lot of projects that are out there but none of them are focusing on the faith based community. The community which is focused on ethical and faith based solutions for themselves so such as you know the halal market.The market that's focused on non interest based loans or lending or interest based finance. Market which is against gambling and all other aspects that are under ethical umbrella. So no one was focusing on it and that's where Marhaba came up and that market iz up to 1.7 billion peopleinternationally.

Places like Malaysia, Indonesia, the middle East, South Asia. There's a lot of huge markets that are still not in the defi world

and this is where this project allows them to come in the defi world with comfort. You are a crypto enthusiast and you want to make money but also have a faith and requirement or you have an ethical requirement but you can't a lot of projects that are in that medium. So this where Marhaba comes with their projects. Welcoming 1.7 billion population into the crypto and defi world. Marhaba defi gives them solution

If you are someone who need faith based solutions this is a huge opportunity not just to make financial gains but also to work towards something that's more ethical something that's more for the greater society.

Marhaba Token - How Can you Buy ?

They already have round one presale for big investors. The round two is to give the community a chance to jump into this project. On their website you can registrate for investing to the tokens. This is a long term project. They are not here for a pump and dump. They are not like many other meme tokens. They a long investing period.Every good successful project usually have a long resting period.Read the white paper. It's

explained very detailed and it's very easy to understand all about project

Marhaba history

How it was all started?

Mohammed Naquib, founder

Mohammed Naquib, Marhaba founder was already on a project and then he realized that there isn't solution for the halal market. For the muslims and the faith based community and he ethical community and while he was working on the project he was like maybe I should do another project and he left everything and started Marhaba defi. He start looking for people who are like minded. He started finding good people top ut on the team and right now they have a huge team. The people who have a lot of years experience in islamic finance , in defi solutions, in blockhain solutions, in general businesses, marketing. he got agreat team together and started this project. It was initially registered in Australia. That's how it was started.

There's a lot of full time employes and then they also have vendors.

All team members have a career and education background and they are very public and very transparent and very honesty like many defi projects are usually hidden and all that stuff. All members have their LinkedIn accounts on the website. They have pictures and description of the team past and current experiences on the website.

I hope I was able to simply explain to you what Marhaba defi is about.

Thanks for reading.