What is the EVM?

One of the most critical aspects of the Ethereum network is the Ethereum Virtual Machine,The EVM is a specialized cloud computer composed of all the nodes in the network and is built to process DeFi transactions. It was designed specifically for Ethereum, but other blockchains also use it. Additionally, it processes the smart contract transactions written by developers. The EVM reads this code in binary, yet developers are free to use several different programming languages to write the smart contract. This makes it far easier for developers to write smart contracts, and the EVM also allows developers to move their projects to other blockchains that use the EVM. Between the programming language used by the developer and the EVM’s binary code, or bytecode, are OpCodes. OpCodes are a theoretical middle language that shows the operational code. Some common OpCodes include PUSH, POP, SSTORE, JUMP, and CALL, yet there are many more OpCodes. In fact, the OpCodes determine the cost of running the smart contract, where the more OpCodes used corresponds to a larger gas fee. Therefore, the more complex a smart contract, the more it costs to run.

The EVM is always changing. With every transaction, the EVM is updated, but the record of the EVM before and after every transaction is recorded, and this constructs the blockchain. The EVM runs these transactions sequentially, one by one. Overall, the EVM is a core part of the Ethereum network, serving as the processor for all smart contracts. This network is quite popular among developers because of its ease of use (supporting several programming languages), compatibility with other blockchains, and  as it executes smart contracts in an isolated cloud environment.

If you want to learn more, check out the links below:

A Beginner’s Guide to the Ethereum Virtual Machine

What is the EVM? Ethereum Virtual Machine — Explained with Animations

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