What is going on at CO(i)NBASE?

This may be the shortest article I have ever written, but I am using it as a platform to ask some pertinent questions.

A few months ago COINBASE (base) announced to account holders that to trade a staked asset it must first be unstaked. A process that could take up to several weeks.

To be in the best possible position to fend off the bears I have moved almost all of my assets to staked assets on their platform. So this announcement set off immediate alarm bells in my head.

What happens if I decide to unstake an asset to take advantage of a surge in prices so that I can trade it only to find that by the time it has become unstaked its price has dipped again? I assume I sustain a possible loss?

They have paused staking on my assets too - yet within their emails they stated quite clearly that no action was needed to be able to keep staking unless the client wishes to buy / sell or convert. There does not seem to be a way to unpause this arbitrary action that they have taken with my assets.

What is more they have also made their interface more unwieldy to use with many of the features for example the list of staking rewards received much much harder to find. Superficially it looks the same but there is so much hidden.

Also my figures, which I keep with a high degree of accuracy, no longer tally with theirs.

Something is very smelly at and I don't like it. I would appreciate the thoughts of the community?