What I got from opening 25 gladius packs in Splinterlands?

I guess all of you are having a great time with your family and friends and also wish you a blasting weekend. Now, for those who play this amazing game on a daily basis just like me, I hope you are having a great season and playing with your level been in the battlefield and scoring sweet victories and earning good rewards, like usual I am playing the in DiamoLeaguegue and just recently reached the highest tier Diamond I with a current trophy count of 3,887. This season is a little bit longer than usual as when the last season timer got reset and replaced with this one, I saw there are 16 days allotted for this ongoing ranked season. So, this time we have a little bit more time in our hands before it meets the end and all we have to do is utilize this time like a pro and try to collect as many season reward chests as we can before the timer hits zero! Last season though I was able to climb the Diamond leaderboard well and secured second place for myself and won 8Decdec as leaderboard rewards, sadly I wasn't able to reach my goal of getting 100 season chests as during the last 4-5 days, I was losing way more than expected as the OG players were visiting too often against me. But as we have got some extra time for this ranked season, I will try to reach my goal once again and hopefully I will touch my goal.

Now, we all know that apart from getting SPS, reward cards, and other stuff from those reward chests, we also get merit points and those are used in the game to buy Gladius packs. However, from reward chests we only get a decent amount of merits and the best way to earn merits is actually to participate in brawl tournaments the better you all collectively perform as a guild, the more merits you will earn as rewards, along with a good chunk of SPS. I am an old member of the Neoxian Guild and have been playing this guild war regularly for quite some time now. No doubt playing brawls is helping me to accumulate merit points at a great rate. Nowadays I use to save up merits until the stash becomes large and then I buy a good number of Gladius packs with them and open them all at once! Just a while ago, I was patient enough to save over 100k merits in my account and with the stash, I bought a total of Gladiusius packs and opened them all at once and now I am on a mission again of saving a big chunk of them. Now talking about brawls, we the Neoxian guild just finished playing another great be, awl, and this time we were playing a tier 4 brawl. Some great guilds were playing as our opponent including YGG brawlers, Plan B, Legendary Unicorns, etc but our guild warriors literally played their level best this time and we snatched away the first place in the leaderboard with an amazing score of total 111 wins and 25 losses. This time our score as a guild was marginally way above theirs the second place holder whose score was 78 wins and 58 losses. We also get rewarded heavily for securing the top place this time where the guild received a total of 196 crowns and each participating guild member who played this brawl got rewarded with 194.576 staked SPS and 11,200 merits each. Now you all can see why I was saying that paying brawls is the best way to accumulate merits and for playing and winning just 1 brawl have all of us guild players have enough merits to open 10 gladius packs. I want to thank our Guild owner Mr. Neoxian, Guild Officer Xawi, and all my fellow guild members for their heroic contribution to this brawl as well as all the previous ones.

Now, today after acknowledging the brawl result and the reward distribution, I felt curious to know how much merits I have saved again in my inventory, so I went ahead and opened the Guild Shop -> Store and felt speechless because I has already saved another total 50k + merits points again in my wallet, which is enough to buy and open another 25 gladius packs! So, without thinking anymore, I went straight away and made the purchase. After completing the purchase I immediately went to the open tab and opened them all at once. Let me share the outcome below and hope you enjoy the pull!

As you can see from the screenshots above, I got a total of 125 Gladius cards out of those packs and the best pull that I made today is the LegendaDragongon card Larissa Kerato. I was also lucky enough to pull one gold foil rare card Bayne but it was the only gold foil card from the entire stash. As for the rest, I pulled a total of 7 epic cards, 33 rare cards, and all rest as common cards. From this pull I got a good number of epic cards which I didn't expect and the best epic card for me is the Marisol Contuma which is my second-best card after Quora.

I hope you loved Gladiusiu's pack opening and also liked reading the post. What’s your favoriGladiusius epic card by the way (mine is Quora obviously??)? Let me know in the comments below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

Wish you all good luck on all of your future SPLINTERLANDS matches.

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Stay well and keep playing Splinterlands!

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