What Are Cosmos Airdrops and How to Get Them?

To elaborate, $ATOM is a utility token for the Cosmos hub, the first blockchain on the Cosmos ecosystem. Moreover, staking also entitles you to Cosmos airdrops! Today, we look at what these airdrops are and how to get them in your wallet.

What Are Cosmos Airdrops?

Before you get excited over free tokens, let us first go through what airdrops are. Simply put, airdrops are a form of free token distributions. These are distributed by projects during their early phases. Notable examples include:

  • Uniswap Airdrop: Uniswap distributes their token to early supporters. At one point in time, this airdrop was worth over $16,000 (USD)!
  • Evmos Airdrop: Evmos distributes their token to users who complete a set of tasks.
  • Terra Luna Airdrop: The Terra team airdropped the new token to previous users of its classic chain.

Now, you may be asking, “Why would any project give out free tokens? Or literally, free money?”. Well, they do so for a variety of reasons:

  1. They want to create awareness for their project.
  2. They’re unable to carry out Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs).
  3. They plan to do a fair token distribution to their supporters.

To learn more about airdrops, you can refer to our previous research

Moving on, let’s talk about Cosmos. Today, Cosmos houses a huge and thriving ecosystem in crypto. Within this ecosystem, separate blockchains are able to interact with each other. This is possible with Cosmos’ Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC). Indeed, Cosmos is set to be a game changer in the crypto space. If you’d like to find out more about Cosmos, you can refer to our previous research. But if you’re here for juicy Cosmos airdrops, read on!

Source: mapofzones.com

Above is a map of current projects active on the Cosmos network. As more projects launch, many are looking to airdrop their tokens to early Cosmos users. To do this, they could opt to airdrop these tokens to earlier $ATOM stakers. For clarity, any airdrop from a project on Cosmos is deemed a Cosmos airdrop.

How Do Cosmos Airdrops Work?

Below is a simplified flow of how a Cosmos airdrop would work. Let’s look at as an example.

Source: CosmosAirdrops.io

  1. A new project defines their number of tokens for the airdrop. For Stride, they are airdropping 6.3 million of their $STRD tokens.
  2. The project then announces their airdrop eligibility criteria. Usually, this includes a snapshot date for a certain action done. For example:
    • On September 3, 2022, Stride announces their eligibility criteria for users that stake:
      • More than 10 $ATOM, or
      • More than 16 $JUNO, or
      • More than 85 $OSMO.
    • But, these stakers need to be staking on August 14, 2022, to be eligible.
  3. Lastly, the project provides instructions to claim the free tokens. Also, they will advise the airdrop or claim period. For Stride, this is from October 31, 2022, onward.

Well, I hope now you’ve got an idea of how airdrops work! Now, let’s find out more about how you can receive some Cosmos airdrops.

How Do You Get Cosmos Airdrops?

Sadly, there is no one-size-fits-all method to get each and every Cosmos airdrop. Every new Cosmos project determines their own eligibility criteria. For instance, some airdrops require a minimum stake of 100 $ATOM, whereas some only require 0.0001 $ATOM. Summarizing the usual eligibility criteria below:

  1. Projects usually need you to stake $ATOM tokens. However, airdrops can also apply for other Cosmos token stakers too! In the past, stakers of have received airdrops.
  2. Projects could also allocate airdrops to liquidity pool (LP) providers. To take part in LPs, you have to provide liquidity on decentralized exchanges like
  3. Other miscellaneous requirements could include
    • Participating in governance votes.
    • Completing a set of tasks.

If you’re new to Cosmos, you could be overloaded with the variety of requirements. If that is so, I would advise you to just stake 100 $ATOM tokens. This will entitle you to a huge majority of Cosmos airdrops.

To stake $ATOM, you first have to:

  1. Get $ATOM tokens
  2. Send $ATOM to your Keplr wallet. To install Keplr wallet, you can follow the link
  3. Stake your $ATOM within the Keplr wallet. For a detailed staking guide, you can follow the link . It’s pretty simple and Keplr’s user interface is great! However, you do need to take note that unstaking will bond your $ATOM for 21 days. Only after then, can you transfer your $ATOM tokens out of your wallet.
Where to Buy $ATOM Tokens?

As with every other token, it is important that you visit CoinGecko for the places to buy $ATOM. Scroll down and click the “Markets” tab. For $ATOM, I would recommend that you buy $ATOM through Binance. It has the highest $ATOM exchange volume, lowest spread, and a good trust score. You really can’t go wrong with BINANCE here.

Source: CoinGecko

Now, you’re all set to be receiving juicy Cosmos airdrops! But wait! How would you keep track of past and upcoming Cosmos airdrops?

Cosmos Airdrop List

To get a list of Cosmos airdrops ahead of time, I recommend the following tracking tools:

  1. Cosmosairdrops.io So far, this is the best tracking tool. It categorizes airdrops into three main categories:
    • Claimable – These are for airdrops with ongoing claims.
    • Upcoming – These are for upcoming airdrops. You could check in advance if you’re eligible for these.
    • Archived –  These contain a list of past projects which have completed their airdrop.
  2. Cosmos.smartstake.io. Smart Stake has also released a tracking tool for Cosmos airdrops. However, the link above is only for airdrops applying to $ATOM stakers. They have a good user interface to view a list of all airdrops at a glance. I would suggest to use both these tracking tools to check for Cosmos airdrops.
  3. Cosmos Airdrops Twitter account. Now if you prefer to get your Cosmos airdrop news through social media, then check out the Cosmos Airdrops Twitter account! They provide airdrops info in tweet format like below.

There’re other tracking tools as well, which you can refer to in our previous research


To conclude, I hope this article has been useful in helping you navigate the Cosmos airdrop space. Indeed, the Cosmos ecosystem is a treasure trove of free tokens! Start staking your $ATOM today, and you may just net your next juicy bag.