What a fcuking day this was

I woke up at 7, 'cause I had a plane to catch at 10:25 and one thing I've learnt about this place is nothing should ever be taken for granted.

I called an Uber, which was very cheap so that's good, and got to the airport where, surprise surprise, I was told, very brusquely, "NO ONLINE, GO CHECK IN".

She meant I had to go to the check-in counter even though I had no bags to check in and a virtual boarding pass.

So I did, and then I went through security, where my bag was thoroughly checked. And my passport was thoroughly checked.

I should also point out that I couldn't take today off. Long story short, I had to work.

So that means that while I was going through that, I got a message from my boss, asking me to get a couple of things done in the next sixty minutes.

So I did.

Then things got worse, not better.

I bought an eSim because I knew I would spend 5 hours at Istanbul airport, but I made a mistake.

I should've read the fine print, which said "no hotspot", which means I couldn't use my phone as a router for my laptop.

I should also point out that while I was figuring that out, I was having a beer, which cost €14.

I had to get back to work, because in the meantime I kept receiving messages with things to do.

So I went to the WiFi kiosk and bought a 24-hour WiFi pass.

And then another beer.

My eSim mistake, my two beers and the 24-hour pass set me back €55 in total.

In the meantime, I'd also bought a train ticket.

I was supposed to land at 6:40. That way, I would've been able to catch the train to the main station from the airport, get to the nearest big city near my hometown, and there I would get the last train home.

But alas, the flight was delayed.

All the while my slack was going crazy with work messages.

So I had to cancel my train ticket, I got a 80% refund so I guess that's better than nothing, and buy another ticket.

And of course the last train, which I'm finally and thankfully on, was late.

As things stand, I should still be able to get home by midnight, give or take.

Sorry, rant over.

Writing is therapeutic.