Wen Arbitrum Token? Now! Sell or Hold?

If you read my article How GMX Works On Arbitrum: Here's Why You Should Use It!you most likely got the airdrop by Arbitrum. Exactly, Arbitrum has finally launched its token! Actually it wasn't a big surprise because the first month of the mainnet they had already spoiled in their code that they would have a token called "Arbi". Later, someone even created the Arbi token page on CoinMarketCap. Very strange right? No one expected it today, yet it would come sooner or later. Even though they always said they didn't need a token and that the only one was ETH. The other evidence suggesting that they launched the token is that Optimism (another layer2) created it 1 year ago.

The snapshot was taken on February 6, 2023. Eligibility criteria ( eligible check: Arbitrum Foundation

-You've bridged funds into Arbitrum One

-You've bridged funds into Arbitrum Nova

-You've conducted transactions during 2 distinct months

-You've conducted transactions during 6 distinct months

-You've conducted transactions during 9 distinct months

-You've conducted more than 4 transactions OR interacted with more than 4 smart contracts

-You've conducted more than 10 transactions OR interacted with more than 10 smart contracts

-You've conducted more than 25 transactions OR interacted with more than 25 smart contracts

-You've conducted more than 100 transactions OR interacted with more than 100 smart contracts

-You've conducted transactions with more than $10,000 in aggregate value

-You've conducted transactions with more than $50,000 in aggregate value

-You've conducted transactions with more than $250,000 in aggregate value

-You've deposited more than $10,000 of assets

-You've deposited more than $50,000 of assets

-You've deposited more than $250,000 of assets

-You've conducted more than 3 transactions

-You've conducted more than 5 transactions

-You've conducted more than 10 transactions

A minimum of three points total are required to be eligible. If you scored less than three points, all criteria will be crossed out.

Points scored (minimum of three) before Arbitrum Nitro launched are worth double. Sybil detection criteria was also used and affected eligibility.

The claim will be March 23, 2023! Be careful setting the slippage because when the airdrops are known in advance, there will be a lot of confusion and crowds of bots fighting each other, buying and selling large quantities. If you set the slippage too high, you risk being destroyed by bots (which create liquidity holes) by receiving much less.

It remains to be seen how this token will be used. Definitely for governance. Then it will be distributed on some protocols on Arbitrum as farming incentives. It will boost yields. The uses of OP on Optimism are these: governance and farming incentives. OP is not "live" inflationary, as it is not staked. However after 1 year the second airdrop was released for OP holders and chain users. Arbitrum could do the same thing. If you want the second Arbitrum airdrop, I advise you to buy back Arbi (or in any case a small part) if you decide to sell it to the listing. I advise you to participate in the DAO.

Airdrop are not gifts. Yes, maybe they are but deciding on the future of a protocol is very important! If you haven't taken the airdrop, there's still time for the future one. All you have to do is follow the article linked above using and other Arbitrum dapps! 

Have you received the Arbitrum airdrop? How many tokens did you get? Sell or Hodl? Let me know in the comments!

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