We Educate Our Lenders and Borrowers, Says CEO, Pezesha, Hilda Moraa

recent report which was published on the Economist has shown that the number of Kenyan digital credit borrowers blacklisted on credit bureaus has increased three-fold over the last 3 years.

Pezesha, a digital credit lending platform is looking to change all this by educating low-income borrowers on the value of their data and how it can be used to build a credit score.

According to Hilda Moraa, CEO, Pezesha:

“Our goal as Pezesha is to bring normalization and sanity in the lending space. We’ve built credit-scoring models that allow lenders to vet borrowers using alternative data and be able to say, ‘this is a good borrower and this is a bad borrower.’

On the other side, we’re also helping borrowers realize that credit is just a short-term affair. We’re helping them think about wealth creation and not credit creation. We’re helping these borrowers take credit only when they need it and for the right purpose. We believe in helping borrowers borrow responsibly.”

With over 180 digital credit lenders in the space, it is increasingly becoming necessary to educate and inform borrowers. Pezesha is one of the few companies in the space going a step ahead and offering this added value.