Vitalik Buterin Reveals the Ethereum 2.0 Genesis Graffiti

Ethereum 2.0 has launched and with it comes the great genesis block message, something like Chancellor on the Brink of a Second Bailout for Banks.

That opportunity went to validator number 19,026 of address 0x38857Ed, who then came out to reveal himself as Mr Fahrenheit, an ethereum dapp developer.

His grand message was revealed by Vitalik Buterin, the ethereum 2.0 co-founder, who said:

“Normal people: we should really put something profound in the first block of the ethereum PoS chain, something about giant leaps for mankind or whatever.

Ethereum community:”

Ethereum 2.0 genesis block graffiti, Dec 2020

A great mystery has now unfolded as many ask who is Mr F, the great proposer of the ethereum 2.0 genesis block, so adding to that legend of who is Satoshi Nakamoto.

In addition, it is said that the most ancient still preserved graffitis from Egypt are mostly about Mr F being here, or Mr whoever the Egyptian writing it was.

So continuing that tradition of marking that someone lived, or in this case lives, and that someone was there, or in this case at the genesis block.

Couldn’t have said anything better Mr F for now we will always know you were there, as well as we will always know the ethereum 2.0 has truly been a decentralized affair for only a truly random etherean who moved from Sydney to Hanoi could have thought the most important thing to state at genesis is that he was there.