Vitalik Buterin acknowledges Zilliqa saying it has a lot of room to grow, just like Ethereum

The co-founder of one of the biggest creative projects in the industry Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin has been one of the biggest figures of cryptocurrency for many years now. He has been seen as one of the most influential figures in the space and has had a crucial role in the development and growing mainstream adoption of blockchain technology. His cryptocurrency ETH, is one of the biggest in the market and is getting ready to move into its next upgrade of ETH 2.0.

The upgrade is currently being worked on behind-the-scenes but is set to be a significant network innovation that has been expected by many to bring in great changes to the industry as a whole. But as was expected, there are critics of this new move to ETH 2.0. The co-founder is looking to respond to these critics of the network and its upgrade.

Writing in a Twitter post over the weekend, Buterin said that the network has a lot of room to succeed and prosper saying the same for Zilliqa.

Looking at this tweet, it looks like a Buterin wants to express how open he is to embrace the competition and support the growth of the overall crypto and blockchain community. This is opposed to the toxic mentality that has been in the industry for many years now of projects being at each other's throats.

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