Virtue in visions & $SDS future.

DeFi has a multiplicity of advantages. As Ethereum is always up, DeFi is up," says Lex Sokolin of blockchain software firm Consensies, co-head of decentralized protocols. "The ability to lay then is composability."

This means that on a blockchain you can program various applications in order to work in a single transaction pattern one by one – your individual operations are arranged and stacked together as blocks of LEGO. You can easily design a program which automatically borrows cryptocurrency from a lending platform, dump it into a decentralized bill in order to lower its price and buy it back and return it. Investment strategies become puzzles, puzzles of flying software commands.


Notwithstanding, DeFi has achieved more milestones than observed.

Although the value of the underlying assets, notably WBTC (tokened bitcin) and ETH, may be attributed to some of these growths, the numbers do not lie. Record amounts have been spent more than a year in DeFi protocols as investors are chasing generous returns by lending, borrowing, decentralized trading and synthetic protocols.

While after 48 bloody hours of watching many assets lose half of their value, the crypto market licks its wound, the question still remains where DeFi goes from here?

We are on the crossroads because we often complain that DEX operations under DeFi 1.0 are singularly and environmentally too benign for robust development and that the DAO decentralization concept, which is a barrier to the DeFI arena, cannot be sysequently achieved. Nevertheless, KeplerSwap continues to expand its trade ecosystem by removing social barrieres in DeFi Ecosystem that allow DeFi users to reform and adjust their user affiliations.


The DeFi movement was born for the unbanked or at least difficult-to-bank banking mission. A diverse community from MoonBoys to professional speculators has cooperated in the last year. Many of these newcomers, who only came to the market this year, were treated to a fire baptism when Crypto did what weak hands shake, as he wiped out trillions of dollars of overleveraged time.

KeplerSwap creates a brand new platform to break the traditional trading system. The new trade process, concept and ecology are being created. A large, unprecedented ecosystem is the decentralized financial ecosystem of KeplerSwap. It constructs and fairness and reliability a new DeFi eco-system.

So much potentials in such a project through analysis and roadmap.

KeplerSwap user ecology is firmly rooted together with the aid of the invitation affiliation and users are then back into a strong relationship and traders tend to trade toks at KeplerSwap and take part in liquidity marketing. Otherwise, incentives at a multi-level level can encourage trade and continue to promote stable KeplerSwap growth.

The most magical function of LUCKY POOL is to enable the whole of commercial environment to achieve a full loop with the certainty of profit and relative blessing. LUCKY POOL rifle and liquidity commercialization can be used by users who reach the certain amount of the liquidity market for income. Also, every week, you can enjoy the lucky draw to bring great surprises, which are irresistible for everyone.


After two years of demonstrations of technical logic and commercial models, and the official launch in the fourth quarter of 2020, the KeplerSwap concept has successfully completed functional development and testing since its introduction in 2017.


Recently the official website of KeplerSwap was iterative while the White Paper of the project was updated and simultaneously the community conducted the last round of airdrops. When the code audit is completed, Certik starts IDO and international public testing a step from the official start of the project.

Some of the progress we can see includes:

  1. The second version of the UI has been updated.


  1. The technical aspect of the audit report is fully updated and resubmitted.


  1. The second phase of global joint testing has been completed.


More is currently taking place. The future of $SDS is bright even to the Crypto Ecosystem.


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