Virtual friends are needed during pandemic

The pandemic has shown us how much we need to socialize for emotional health.  SpecTruth is developing a metaverse where people can socialize, play, date, work and learn but exploring a new world, meeting new people, and learning a system can be challenging when alone.  To minimize their member’s stresses, a virtual friend (hereinafter “friend”) is generated for each user. 

The friend will be customizable and have the ability to learn to better guide, provide companionship, play games and answer questions.  The member can choose wide variety of customizations for their friend’s appearance; for instance, it can be a robot, unicorn, dragon, or many, many other choices.

The friend will be the users initial guide and help them explore the metaverse.  Until the member does not need the friend anymore, the friend will join them as they explore the 3d world of town halls, concert venues, classrooms, lecture halls, game rooms, parks, and theme park.  The members will never feel alone as their friend takes a genuine interest in the user’s real world and virtual world.

The friend will be more than a modern Siri because it will help the user learn in addition providing learning materials and videos.  The search results will be optimized for web 3 as the friend learns the user’s patterns. 

In addition to the friend learning directly from the user, the overall AI engine behind the scenes will collect, store, and analyze key data points so all virtual friends learn.