Version 2.0 of NEO smart contract development tool Neoray released

Neoray, a tool for debugging NEO smart contracts which integrates contract compilation, deployment, invocation, and debugging, has released a major update with version 2.0 now launched.

The Neoray team has updated the interface, usage flow, and contract invocation methods, greatly reducing the learning threshold for contract debugging and making it easier for newcomers to get started.

The new version of the contract debugging process remains: compile code — deploy contract — call contract — debug contract.

Selecting Code

When developers begin to use the new version of Neoray, they first need to select the contract code that needs to be debugged. Neoray 2.0 supports direct reading of code files on a local computer and saving the contract code locally. Developers can write the contract code in visual studio and import the code directly into Neoray for compilation and debugging. It is also possible to edit and save the code directly in Neoray. After selecting the code, the next step is to deploy and debug the contract.


In the previous version of Neoray, deploying contracts, calling contracts, and debugging contracts were three separate modules, each with separate pages and functionality.

In Neoray 2.0, after the code is selected, the contract code being debugged can be seen throughout the debugging process, and all subsequent operations are performed for the current code.

With 2.0, the functionality of debugging assistance has been retained. Developers can send problematic contract hashes or transaction IDs to others, who can load the contract code and transactions with these parameters to assist in debugging.

Operational Status Output

Unlike normal programs, debugging contracts involves sending transactions on the blockchain, and transaction confirmation on the blockchain takes time. Thus, feedback on user operations and the results on Neoray is asynchronous. The Neoray team has added an output window to the interface, and Neoray will display the results in the output window when the result of the transaction are received. Developers can view all recent operational records in the output window to help identify debugging issues.

Teemo Wallet

In Neoray 2.0, duties related to packaging and sending transactions have been given to the open-source Teemo Wallet to increase the stability of Neoray.

Since Teemo Wallet only supports Chrome browsers at the moment, developers using other browsers are temporarily unable to use Neoray 2.0. In such a case, a button that returns the developer to Neoray V1.0 in the has been placed in the lower left of the compiler in order to jump to the old version of Neoray. The old version comes with the functionality to package and send transactions without using Teemo.

The NEO 3.0 testnet was recently released, and after the Teemo Wallet completes the NEO 3.0 adaptation, Neoray will also follow up. The cost of publishing contracts and transactions will be greatly reduced.

Via: Neoray 2.0