V-ID Partner’s Plugin Enables WordPress Content Timestamping

The timestamping using the WordProof plugin will provide copyright protection to publishers’ content. Additionally, the time machine feature will make sure the readers are aware of all the changes made to the content. A reputed Amsterdam client also uses the same features of WordProof and V-ID product verification for product credibility.

WordProof envisions to build the most user-friendly tools timestamping tools. According to its roadmap, WordPress is just the beginning. Impressively, WordProof Timestamp Ecosystem plans to serve all kinds of content management systems, e-commerce, social media tools, APIs, and browser plugins.

Grants by European Commission

In July 2020, WordProof, received a €1 million grant from the European Commission. The Amsterdam-based company beat 175 participants in a competition called “Blockchains for Social Good” to win the grant.

V-ID Partnership

V-ID and WordProof are working together to provide blockchain-based product verification services to Amsterdam Vintage Watches (AVW). Interestingly, AVW uses V-ID for physical product validation. However, WordProof is providing transparency and online verification of product information.

With the help of WordProof, Amsterdam Vintage Watches ensures that its customers can verify the online information about the vintage products. Basically, WordProof timestamps the product pages and legal documents. This approach ensures the utmost product transparency between Amsterdam Vintage Watches and the customer.