Upland Review By 22Block_Chain




My Name is DeSpencer CoFounder of 22Block Media a Music Publishing & Media Production Company, You can check out our Music on any of your Favorite Streaming Services Like Apple Music or Spotify, Under 22Block. I’ve been a game developer at 22Block Studios for 9 years, designing games and Art, you can Check Out My First Game, 22Block Sour_D a weed game available on the App Store on iPhone or Google play for Android. 

  I’ve been a gamer for over 30 years, always lookin for the next Big Thing to play and draw inspiration from, I Came across Upland Looking for Blockchain Games, besides being the number one block chain game on the charts at the time, and the few that has a Mobile App, I liked the concept of buying and selling virtual properties with a online Economy, competing in Events, having the opportunity to set up your own personal space, this reminds me of my my favorite Board Game Monopoly, buying properties setting up business, collecting fees from the visitors who end up landing  on your properties, the ability to make deals and trades with other users, Upland has the potential to be so much more! I see it becoming a  very valuable asset in the future, for Gamers and Business


Upland is a Place where you can own personal Creative Virtual Spaces on the EOS blockchain, in the future gamers and business can set up a public Space, like a virtual Home, a Store Front, even Performing Venues, and direct visitors, Friend & customers to their Specific Addresses,  maybe hang out, or for a event, like a promotional  give away, the possibilities are endless!  For what player can do and offer, I find myself searching for multiple properties to buy to set up places where our digital services, and Media Content can live, I have properties in Both Califonia, and New York that will be Business Hubs, and Hang out spaces for our Brand.


  Games like Upland, crosses over from being just a game that people play for fun, to a game where you can play to earn, in real life! inside upland you can make real transitions using Cash or the in Game Currency UPX,  these properties gain real world value over the time you can choose to accept UPX or USD  when you decide to sell.


  When I Started playing game I ended up buying my first properties in San Francisco & Manhatten, these were both cities where you could not build anything yet, it was not until around my 3rd day when I brought a Few properties in Fresno for around 1900,  I saw building and structures and even brought my first house! There were also bigger spaces available, where you can start building your virtual community, I suggest finding the small cities that allow you to add buildings and set up shop, and buy some big city properties that draw visitors and collect higher rent.




  Every 3 hours you are able to collect so the more properties you have the more you can get paid, also the more collections you have, like properties in the same city, or the same street the more you can boost your earnings.

    UPLAND is  for anyone looking to get into Block Chain Gaming, and any Brand look for a unique way to Market and interact with customers, surely the early adapters in this game can look forward to their personal value increasing both in game in the real world as these virtual properties will increase in value with more visitors willing to pay top dollar in the future once they realize the potential and be willing to spend their digital currencies in a virtual Economy.  I predict that these online virtual communities will become a future Work Environment where people can work together same as they do at Best Buy, or Walmart,  earning a full or part time salary, doing micro tasks for other Upland Members. Our First Collection of BlockChain22 NFTs will be scattered access our different properties and available to all our Wax Visitors, Customers and Supporters,

                                                                   Our artists are creating custom Upland NFTs, to be given at each property.

   Our Properties Will be  22BlockChain hubs, like our own Starbucks, available everywhere where different projects, marketplaces  can live, and also cool places to hangout and collaborate  with other Creators!!!  

   Upland is a must have for anyone looking to Enter a virtual decentralized Economy and enjoy the lucrative benefits of Gaming on the BlockChain, Players can own their very own space, create business, meet like minded people exchange real world Value, and be a part of a Growing online Economy, all from the comfort of your Mobile app, or Computer browser thanks to the power of the EOS BlockChain. Its very Important to get in on this early as this will quickly become the future of how virtual goods and services will be exchanged, quickly approaching be a multibillion industry where every person will have a Virtual Space the same same way they have a Facebook, Twitter or Youtube.