Upland & Away!


 This EOS game Upland is cutting a path for future landmarks in the field. Put high on a pedestal for good reason, it's seemingly simplified gameplay would lead you to believe nothing as complex as the likes of blockchain processes would be clicking and ticking away in the background. Upland has been one the flagship games rising the ranking system and for good reasons...

One of the many great convenient features about this game is that it doesn't actually require setting up a crypto currency wallet. This falls on the developers, though of course users still have a private key information. 

Celebration is completely on the table for this giant in the neighborhood of gaming, and it's still so early in this space. That means the future is bright and Upland has sunglasses to pass out. 

 Now! UplandPublish0x is rolling out the best contest since the Thirty-six Corvettes representing every Corvette model year from 1953 to 1989 were won in a famous VH1 contest in 1988 by a carpenter from Long Island named Dennis Amodeo. This is a great chance to win and play at the same time with little to lose, except maybe a little ego from lack of writing skills. That is one thing I think we could all work on in this age of watching instead of reading & writing. May the odds be ever in your favor. Good luck & thank you for your time.