Unveiling The Power of KOY 2.0

KOY 2.0 mainnet is finally up and running. The KOY 2.0 is also Africa's first Decentralization-as-a-Service (DaaS) Provider and this is a great milestone achieved by the network. The blockchain is highly secure, scalable and reliable.

Now that the mainnet is Live, Antelope Access accounts owners who can also be referred to as early birds are expected to check and verify their accounts and token amounts for confirmation with the use of the mainnet explorer.

This new version comes with a fresh secure and reliable blockchain infrastructure. Block Producers, Node Operators and Entities will be nominated by the community members to manage the new blockchain. 

With the DaaS feature being possessed by KOY 2.0, Industries and businesses now have a fair opportunity to integrate the function into their dApps to be able to make use of the DaaS feature. This step is capable of making businesses grow and become sustainable.

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