Unstoppable Domains - Browser Updates!

Unstoppable Domains - Browser Updates!


Unstoppable Domains continues to crank out the technology innovations just recently (April 4th) they announced Web Browser extension for Opera (which is a Chromium based browser) and had it's initial release way back in 1995.   The support for .crypto domains allows users to create and access decentralized websites from the following platforms... iOS, Android, Windows, Mac and Linux. Keep in mind Unstoppable Domains has over 700K blockchain domain names registered, its no slouch! 

Today 05/13/21 - BRAVE Browser also announced support for Browser extension .crypto.

How does it work? Brave leverages Cloudflare's DNS over HTTPS method to resolve Unstoppable Domains by default


Another step toward Web3.0 becoming a reality, more decentralization more chains being broken. Now we must not screw it up to keep the regulators at arms length.  The future of the Internet is shaping up well, stay classy my friends!